add telephone pack back to RTO (FTL) uniform vendor for backpack

contributor gang, PLEASE you took away my phone and now my ass has to haul to req to get my rightfull property, i never use req for anything else, GIVE US BACK OUR RIGHT, i cant stand this anymore

and thank you very much for signal flares, that man has the blessing of the JTAC mafia


You can get free phone pack in spare uniform vendors. There are, like, 6 packs total


Use the vendor or get in line with the rest of us reqchads (chumps).


I don’t understand why it’s a problem to give a free radio backpack to the guy whose entire job is to be the literal radioman. He shouldn’t have to pay for it, and he shouldn’t have to fight PFC’s to get it.


Fight PFCs

Yea, radio packs are such a must-have item that they’re gone in the blink of an eye - just like mk2 AP, S6, MH and etc… (I bet you can find some leftover packs even on hijack)

And they’re not RTOs now, they’re FTLs, meaning literally “PFC+”. They’re neither forced nor expected to do JTAC work

You know that you can just buy it with your points?

Also RTOs were never really about doing JTAC, before they were added, PFCs did JTAC just fine, there was a kit for it. RTOs were only introduced to do techwebs drops.

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telephone packs run out faster than webbings in my experience, doubly so in bravo-alpha prep but even in delta-charlie they’re almost always gone well before first drop in my experience.

While yes you’re not forced to do JTAC work it is very heavily implied you should be at least trying to do it. There’s a reason you start with a JTAC level 3 skill.

Screenshot 2024-10-02 12.12.59 PM


I dont want to discuss if you should do JTAC, or who should do it or how RTO is a „PFC+”

i just want at least that from the old RTO role and from what i can see, changing the name and kit a bit from RTO to FTL didnt change anything (it doesnt even work well with the fireteam system, its just a name change and no backpack)

Just make FTL RTO again, honestly.


I keep thinking of making an MR that just allows you to choose the title for the job, like it’s with doctor\surgeon.

Need this as command know who’s a real leader and who’s just a JTAC.

Forcing the radioman to buy his radio is like forcing engineers to buy their tech helmets or pfc’s to buy their rifles.

It’s completely stupid, why is anyone even defending this???


There was a reason behind this change. You don’t need a full role and rank just for JTAC and JTACs don’t have the time to lead. It was just done halfway.

That’s why I kept saying that JTAC should ideally be a PFC kit and FTL should lose all the JTAC skills and just be a low level PFC+ leadership role.

RTO being a radio centric role who focused on communications whether it was with command while comms were down or for dropships was soul as hell cant believe it was killed, they should get their packs back imo


I made a whole character just for it before I made Grandad and it was incredibly fun.

Lenore Adler originally I played her as being a massive coward who’s afraid to fight xenomorphs and would only carry a smart pistol and flaregun who hid behind marines screaming for CAS and CIC on the phone.

A marine squad role where you are the hub of communication is based.



I remember Lenore. She was awesome.

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