Axyinious - Staff Report: Enforcement Action Taken - Stalkerino + Tallerfission

Axyinious - Staff Report: Enforcement Action Taken - Unknown

What’s your BYOND key:


Round ID:


Your character name:

Viktor Richardt Kleiner (CO)

Their BYOND key:

Stalkerino + Tallerfission

What are you reporting?:

Enforcement Action Taken

Description of the incident:

During round 23619 “Detour Wild-Papa”, I joined in as CO and conducted the same usual roundstart announcements and Briefing. It was later brought to my attention by the CMP Takashi that PFC Tess Conway and SL James Parker, along with other marines, were involved in an incident that resulted in the murder of SL James Parker. PFC Tess Conway was the culprit, using a firearm to murder SL James Parker. From what was communicated to me, PFC Tess got lynched because of an argument or disagreement. Several marines harmed PFC Tess physically and after a considerable amount of time after the lynching, PFC Tess shot SL James Parker dead.
PFC Tess Conway was then arrested by the MPs on the charges of Murder. CMP Takashi turned to me for an execution, which I briefly accepted after knowing the details of the incident. Not long after that, Provost Marshalls sent an announcement to the USS Almayer demanding that the execution was to be halted on the grounds that PFC Tess Conway acted in self-defense. CMP Takashi afterwards talked with me in private in the CO Office, during which I have tried to understand the facts of the incident once again to see if anything was overlooked. CMP Takashi told me that he completely disagreed with the decision of Provost and also pointed out that PFC Tess themselves confessed to Murder. I also completely disagreed with the decision that Provost made but was forced to go along with it.

Later on in the round, Research communicated to me that they were able to produce greenos which I authorized and afterwards oversaw the growth of the greeno hive. Research ran out of monkey cubes to provide to the greenos so I attempted to negotiate with the CL along with the researcher for more monkey cubes. The CL agreed to hand out only one monkey cube which was insufficient for the demands of the greeno hive.
Some MPs then alerted on MP comms that some prisoners broke out or were in the process of doing so. I charged to the Brig where I found one prisoner out of the courtyard in the hallway that gives access to the Brig’s processing area. I assisted the MPs in taking down the escaped prisoners and they were afterwards buckled to the chairs in the courtyard, the MPs then took them to the Perma Cells. PFC Tess Conway was one of these prisoners that were restrained.
I then offered to the perma prisoners that they could partake in a medical experiment if they consented to it and signed a document with the researcher’s and my signed approval. PFC Tess Conway willingly agreed to my suggestion so I was going to arrange all the documentation. PFC Tess Conway wrote the document form on the Perma cell’s paper and signed it. I took it and headed to Research to get the researcher’s sign. After the researcher signed it, I returned to the Brig and tried to arrange the other perma prisoner’s experiment document which was halted due to the MPs arguing with me that the medical experiment was illegal. I attempted to explain to them that a medical experiment was entirely legal as outlined in Marine Law. The MPs and the new CMP that recently woke up from cryo argued with me and faxed Provost regarding my actions.
After that argument, I was called to Research and was communicated that the fax that the MPs sent was responded. I was going to return to the Brig after attending to matters in Research but was interrupted by the greeno hive betraying the marines. I was gibbed by the greeno Queen in the Research cells which ended my participation in the round officially.
Not long after I was in deadchat, I saw the faxed Provost message and was made aware that if the greenos didn’t betray us, I would have been arrested by the MPs on the grounds of crimes against humanity.

The staff member that handled this incident failed to change the capital murder charge while categorizing the execution sentence as illegal. As a result, PFC Tess was guilty of murder but illegal to be executed. The correct decision in this instance for example would be to either change the charge or ordered the full release of PFC Tess.
Regarding the medical experiment later on, as PFC Tess participated in a jailbreak at the Brig, I used that charge to suggest a medical experiment with the greenos. The staff member failed to identify that I used the jailbreak charge and not the murder charge. Marine Law does not mention any experiment too horrible for a prisoner to agree to, it only mentions that perma cell prisoners can agree to lethal experiments that result in death.
Staff members have the power to override players so knowledge of regulations and how to investigate Marine Law incidents is important.

I convey my total disagreement over the involved staff member’s decisions during that round. While I don’t think they were malicious in any way, they failed to investigate properly which led to a valid execution to be unauthorized and an unlawful CO arrest to almost occur. I’ve only made this staff report as a resolution of issues and record keeping rather than wanting the staff member involved to be penalized. I believe everyone deserves a chance at doing better and mistakes happen especially in a game with very complex rules that sometimes may conflict.


Logs and ML


Hi, my only involvement with this round was this. I denied the execution because frankly it didn’t make sense for them to get killed at least in my opinion, what I had in logs was five people jumping the Marine Tess Conway and beating them, they snapped and shot the SL.
I spoke to the parties involved and decided to keep this IC, whilst also warning everyone that this behavior is unacceptable per rules.
I believed the situation made the round more interesting, and I didn’t want to cut it short by an execution; and the details of the case were in support of that (IMO).

TL;DR I thought it’d be interesting, I got consent from people involved and decided it’d be the best if they weren’t executed; but instead kept in perma.
I don’t know what happened after that because I disconnected.


Hey, I’m sorry if I didn’t investigate the matter fully but to me it didn’t seem like it needed much investigation at all. You ordered someone be put to death by medical experimentation, which is (in the words of someone else) something you’d probably expect to see an evil movie villain be doing. It probably would’ve made things interesting, but this is the only natural response in my mind to the decision you made, which is putting someone to death in an immensely cruel and inhumane way, and one which goes against the spirit of the law (in my opinion).

I might be completely in the wrong here and I’m just stubborn, but I stand by the decision to order the arrest. Though, I probably should have mentioned that the crime hadn’t actually been committed yet, so that’s my bad.


Report primarily focused on Tallerfission

Howdy Axyinious and all,

Because this report has been deferred to me by Beagle (the Admin Manager), I will be handling this report against the admin and mod in question in the capacity of both managers. I’m going to lay my cards on the table immediately and say that this report is denied, however I do think it warrants some discussion.

This is one of those strange reports where interpretation is everything. The letter of the law states, "With the exception of prisoners who's timer would otherwise allow execution, medical experiments that will result in the death of the prisoner are not legal."

This tells us some useful things, but also leaves other things up to interpretation, that grey interpretable area is what this report more or less hinges on.

We know from this text medical experiments that will result in the death of the prisoner are legal if, and only if, they are permitted to be executed under the law. We do not know, however, whether or not the act of using a marine to serve as a xenomorph incubator qualifies as “experimentation”. I think that a reasonable person could decide either way.

Additionally, I think that you and the Chief MP operated correctly regarding marine law as well with the initial murder, and that the Provost overrule was probably not the legally correct action.

“If I agree with you on all counts, then why is this report denied?” I hear the crowds ask. As far as the report against Stalkerino is concerned, I am denying it because, although perhaps not legally sound, it was a responsible use of the server’s “Rule 0” that enables staff to adjust the round as they see fit to benefit the players.

As for the report against Tallerfission. Although I agree with you, and think your reading of Marine Law was more accurate, it is only my subjective reading of the law that enables me to reach a similar conclusion to you. I think that I could find another manager to disagree with both myself and you about the law itself (namely in its intent, probably not its verbiage), and so it wouldn’t be fair for me to subject Tallerfission to correction for my subjective reading. If they had taken out of character action against you (such as a note, warning, or ban) I would rectify that action to the best of my ability. However, this was an in-character development that was reasonable and sensible.

Basically, I agree with you on all counts, but that doesn’t make the staff members in question guilty of any breaches in conduct.


Added report:denied and removed report:needverdict