CAS loadout idea

Im searching for more autistic Cas loadout that is hard to use and very good on it own or just general support also this is my first topic i made

Guns in loadout-
Ammo use-

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you should avoid any mocking use of autism in your vocabulary irl and on the forums, even shitposting prejudice is still prejudice. pretty yikes


Wait, I can’t call it an “Autism fort” when a single bravo makes 10 lines of fades and 4 turrets on a comma, alongside strategically placed reinforced walls? Gonna need an admin explanation on this @hry


calling a loadout autistic isn’t prejudiced, it’s just a quirky descriptor. Autistic as shorthand for hyperfocused interest or knowledge of a niche subject is just how the word is used commonly on the internet.


goo goo ga ga


I upvote this comment. Here on /r/cmss13 you’re supposed to follow the reddiquette.

Edit: thanks for the gold, kind stranger


its not quirky to use a stereotype of any mental disability, I’m not a mod and it doesn’t directly bother me so i could be wrong on its acceptable uses and i doubt the op even meant it negatively I’m just pretty sure the guidelines update last month was set to prevent people from using it & others as common place so often, if its fine or not has no impact as i only said they should avoid it lol so oh well but some advice for you would be to not base your moral compass on internet forums outside of CM as they are mostly just filled with degenerates :laughing:


Name- Thoughts and Prayers

Guns in loadout- Nothing

Ammo use- Zero

Eliminate CAS FF with this simple trick of just not shooting anything at all. Plus xenos still try to dodge your imaginary Empty CAS run so you might save a marine.
Bonus points for annoying the Bravos in the FOB by “firing” on Para drop flares.

As far as the other memery in this thread goes. I wouldn’t be surprised if we have to start calling it the A-Word and get a little message saying we can’t use it anymore some time soon.


sticks and stones…
i remember using a LOT of Minis or 4 fatties back in the ol’ days now I just go for 2 Lazers and 2 rocket pods


nah, he gets a pass.
Hands over a ticket to gamekatuy

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I mean this as respectfully as possible, and I have been a regular user of reddit for over a decade now

you are an actual redditor stereotype, you are hereby sentenced to go touch grass

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Full sentry deployment but never deploy any because the call-down point wasn’t perfectly placed

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No you’re just nose blind about yourself, that decade has burned you out lol


Please find god and touch grass. Maybe try lifting weights. This is Space Station 13. Tex of the Blacks Pants Legion once proudly called this server a bunch of autistic murder hornets. It is a badge of honor.

Fatties for life.

I really dont get why some people hate on comparing “being really into something” with autism.
I mean, what would you rather be called?
Being passionate, or disabelt.

okay duke for you i will touch the green :seedling:

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Good on you man. Also, I truly believe having a better spiritual connection with your creator leads to a happier and more fulfilled life. Also, lifting weights makes you jacked and feels good. Just good advice.

Four rocket pods, all loaded with HE. This loadout is based on what counts as “CAS doctrine” in my head, and that is:

A) The primary purpose of fire support is to shape the operation in a way that favors the marines. Killing xenos is secondary to this. In many cases, you could kill xenos and the situation would still be in favor of the xenos because the marines still have to attack a defended chokepoint or a building with tight spaces.
B) Usually when CAS is called, it is for destroying large swaths of cover and/or groups of xenos. Especially if the xenos are T2s and T3s.

This loadout is an application of this thought process. It’s incredibly powerful in maps that favor xenos (New Varadero, Chance’s Claim, etc) where the marines are spending a lot of time fighting in buildings and tight spaces from pretty much right outside the FOB. It turns a knife fight in a phone booth into flattened rubble. Now there’s no walls and no resin for xenos to fight around, a perfect place for the marines (see also: LV-624, everything between the river and the cave entrances).

Sidenote: last year (before the CAS update that removed your ability to compress 12-tile fire missions into a smaller area, and before the GAU nerf) I was an absolute monster with four GAUs all loaded with AP. Some people didn’t take it seriously at first, but that’s just because they were used to new pilots taking it and firing it on 12-tile fire missions. Compressing it into 6 tiles allowed me to kill 5 ravagers and seriously wound 3 more during testing. Now you can’t do that anymore. The xenos were used to underestimating it and paid a very heavy price - questions about a GAU buff were being raised seriously. Good times.


That is awesome my man.

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