CastorTroy23 - Player Report: Cash Flores, Rule 6: No metagaming
What’s your BYOND key?
Round ID:
Your character name:
Ancient Empress KUSH
Accused BYOND key:
Accused character name:
Cash Flores
What rule(s) were broken?:
Rule 6: No metagaming
Description of the incident:
Hello. I played queen on this round. After pushing the marines back and going on the offensive, taking both comms pylons as xeno, and defending them from the marines multiple times, the marines fell back to the FOB.
Having had very low numbers (approx. 10) against high marine numbers (approx. 50), I ordered the hive explicitly to stay back with me and to wait for not push the FOB as to not make the marines evacuate, with the intent to wait for the king and take the FOB with fewer losses. It was an order which they obeyed without issue (save for a few T1s south of the FOB who breached 1 out of numerous layers, and pulled back when ordered) - the FOB was under no threat, or very little - one that the marines could defend from or counterpush.
In spite of this, the aCO Cash Flores ordered an evacuation anyway, just a few minutes short of the King being available to the xenos. Due to the evacuation being called a few minutes short of the king’s availability paired with the little threat the FOB was under (if any), I believe this to be a blatant case of meta-evacuation.
After the King timelock lifted, I attempted to purchase it, only to be told it wasn’t mechanically available. Seeing this, I decided to take the LZ anyway. A few marines had stayed, though not enough to allow for a King to be purchased (approx. 5). They were not an issue for the hive, however, and we dispatched them with ease. Another thing to note, however, is that command found it opportune to call an OB on the LZ only as soon as we entered it, with their men still alive on the LZ. This felt dirty and slimy. Up to staff for interpretation.
The marines ended up re-deploying later due to us taking a while to go up and our low numbers, though I’m not sure how relevant it is. If the redeployment was premeditated prior to evac then this could also be an instance of metagaming, given how it could have been intentional to gain an edge over a kingless hive.
Hello I was the aCO, Cash flores (XO) for the round
I ordered an evacuation since we technically lost over 60% marines for a RECON MISSION and decided that it was not worth it anymore. However post evacuation an idea slipped into my mind.
I decided that we would attempt to let the bugs take over lz-1 then redeploy with the majority of our forces to lz-2 to blitz the bugs in lz-1 while they were busy clearing our stuff. Alongside taking back comms.
There was no intent of “Denying” king here but rather deciding that sitting on a endless fob siege was not worth it.
Howdy, ASO for the round here. I been observing using overwatch, and even tried to direct my IO’s at the very end before evac to try and get someone with a designator to use the last OB we had.
Told the Captain we still had the Inc. OB available as a last resort to turn this around.
However, The Fob, specially NE caves was in very bad shape and fob was down to a single cadeline, With some xenos putting pressure and we lost a portion of the marines in the caves. So the captain continued with the planned evac since there was no progress being made and lack of cades.
Evac was announced multiple times and scheduled ahead of time. Those who stayed groundside were on their own will or because they tried to board too late. The moment we evaced we noticed xenos started to stop attacking the fob, just for few minutes later entire hive swarmed in.
We continued to monitor cameras and CIC fired an OB when fob was being completely overrun and everyone was pretty much already dead as the entire hive overrun the LZ.
Followed by this, Captain rallied all the marines for a redeploy on the opposite LZ in an attempt to retake comms and LZ1. Due to previous scans of low Xeno numbers
The evacuation seemingly was started/planned exactly at the time the King had the ability to pop up - at a time where we were still defending the relay, and weren’t close to the LZ
Personally, I can’t make heads or tails of this, as the accused keeps going in circles, but staff may treat this and other discord logs as evidence if they so wish
I want to make it known that I did not recall “when” I called for evac, the log will have it
When I called evac the LZ was currently under heavy siege and cades were being lost at a steady rate with our engis and marines keeping them up. Evac took an absurd amount of time to actually get all prepped and by the final moments in which we were about to launch the xeno forces suddenly stopped pushing the lz allowing us to evac in peace.
Also to clarify my statement of “If I wanted to avoid king I would have forced an evac at 1:40” this was me stating that if I was attempting to “meta avoid” king then I would have started an evac around there without any actual gameplay reason on why. Now I do not fully recall when I had called evac however when I did we were in the LZ, cades being sieged on all ends and we were risking a possible collapse. Making it an evacuation with many IC justifications to evac when we did.
Hello, Alamo DCC.
I remember the XO announcing at 01:38-01:39 with the ship announcements that at 01:42 marines should have leaved the planet.
I then proceeded with a megaphone to scream at marines that we were evaccing for around 10 minutes.
CIC, me and the DP informed the marine to board for around 10 minutes. After this amount of time, almost all of the Marines boarded the ship after loading around 70% of the supplies we deployed.
From my prespective, with access to command comms, i do belive that ground marines had low morale, and did not see the possibility of victory.
After reviewing this case I am going to deny the player report.
I’ve reached this decision due to my examination of the in-game logs not giving me sufficient evidence to suggest that Yellows was attempting to metagame around the King spawn time, they make the decision to commence evacuation at the 1 hour 45 minute mark, with evacuation being completed at the 1 hour and 51 minute mark.
In contrast, the King has a RNG timer attached to when it unlocks, ranging from the 1 hour 40 minute to 2 hour mark. This makes metagaming it hard.
I appreciate the frustration of losing out on the possibility of a King spawn. However, I find insufficient evidence to suggest metagaming in this case.