Button next to East CIC lobby, which would make a ‘ping’ noise inside CIC, letting them know there’s someone at the door. Since comms are hard to read!
CIC just ignores survivors a lot of the time. Spent like 20 minutes yelling over the intercom and pointing through the windows before just deploying without IFF one time. Doubt a dedicated button would make much difference.
As someone who spends a lot of time as CIC roles, it is hard to read over radio about survivors waiting at CIC. I think what is essentially a doorbell can lead itself to some abuse easily, though I can see it being useful. An easy solution is to have an MP stationed at the CIC front desk, since it exists for this reason, but there’s not MPs all the time, and when there are they likely won’t be there.
Honestly, I think just adding a cooldown to the button would solve this issue. Make it 2-5 minutes inbetween each allowed ring? Griefers are going to have spend a lot of time to even get a slight ounce of emotion that way.
That is sensible.
I think the door bell with a cool down as Willzadl and Ichlnss suggested would be a great idea.
As an alternative, you could just allow people access to the CIC lobby where the desk is. This way people can get closer to CIC making both players and pointing more visible to CIC.
lol i had never even considered that, there’s something about those blue doors that screams ‘YOU CANT COME IN’. honestly though, yeah, that’s a good idea too
No the worst idea, but also there should be a marine law ruling that ringing it and running away should be punishable with an execution. CIC already has to deal with enough prank calls on the phones.
Regarding suvivors, maybe someone should just map an ID machine in the hangar, for MPs to man. They’re usually under-occupied and the traditional reason why survies b-line for CIC for their IDs is to annoy the command.
Main Power
Secondary Power
This is the maintenance tech litany of access. Whisper it every time a door doesn’t open for you.
If only everyone knew engineering…
speedrun getting arrested for the entire round
Someone hates fun smh. marines doorbell ditching is HRP and you can’t tell me otherwise.
Yes and so is shooting up CIC. Then, if command is quicker on the draw the HRP players try to ahelp\player report with the rules they make up on the fly.
An MT is a Ninja.
you dont need to pulse backup power, just the main
pulse backup when you recently pulsed main tho
You beat me to it. Just adjust the access on those two eastmost doors and if you reallllly want. Add a bell to the desk