Comprehensive CM Rework.

CM is an outdated concept from a bygone era. I am proposing a revolutionary idea that has never been tried on ss13 before. We replace PVE with a mode where marines spawn with pistols and work their way up the gun hierarchy by earning points and buying stuff for them. You earn points by killing and building barricades adjacent to windows.

Points may be exchanged for opening new areas on the map, buying new weapons and purchasing perks, that replace HMs. You can buy an auto-revive, double fire rate, etc.

Naturally, this would require reworking maps a bit, so I propose changing Trijent up. It would involve covering the entire area with fog, with flying monsters that sit on your face and claw your eyes until you melee them away. This may be circumvented by traveling inside a NPC-controlled truck that travels from area to area.

PVP is the same but you may control the bus as well as play as xenos, naturally.


Bro never played Turned on COD black ops 2 can we ban him?


Hey man! That’s an awesome original idea, I’d also like to share one of my own.

We remove the xenomorphs and all groundside maps, instead replacing them with a sick lava planet full of ores.

But the main gameplay loop would now be centered around the USS Almayer, the crew would spawn normally, however, some of the crewmembers would be randomly chosen for special roles, to spice up the round a bit… Like that monster from The Thing (1892), a special infiltrator sent in with access to special tools and weapons to complete assigned objectives, a powerful entity with the ability to cast various spells and enchantments, a secret bioweapon designed to spread quickly across the station, and if not stopped, will destroy it, maybe we should call it “Blob”.

We should also remove 99% of the weapons in the Almayer, instead restricting them to the MP department, which will be renamed as “Security”. We would also remove lifeboats and all escape pods, except for four, evacuation will be realized instead by the CO, which will now possess the ability to call for an “Escape Shuttle”.

Several jobs would also be added to diversify the RP a bit, such as the “Clown”, "Mime, and “Assistant”.


Add the ability to buy gold points using real cash and have any weapon better than the M39, AP ammo, any role with a higher rank than rifleman and the ability to leave the FOB require a gold points purchase. A M41, for example, would cost around 50€, though obviously you can’t buy that small amounts of gold points and will instead have to purchase a 120€ packet. After a month, health is doubled while the old guns stay at their original damage values to encourage people to purchase new guns.

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Can the bus be yellow?

I think we should just remake CM as is in Java.

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Another CM rework idea:

We change marines to United States Colonial Coast Guard, Remove xenos and replace them with smugglers, and then we give each faction a unique set of weapons with the goal for the Coast guard being to stop the shipment before the smugglers get it to the drop zone.


What if, for the sake of argument, we added in a bus for marines to deploy from. This, being a bus for marines, would necessitate being called the battle bus.

Within this battle bus, marines form teams, or squads, to fight other squads, or teams, of other marines.

What if, hypothetically, these marines then jumped out of the battle bus as it travelled across the map to a point of their choosing.

We could additionally add comical and popular dances, music, and costumes resembling commonly loved characters.

What if, as a thought experiment, this were to be completed in a fortnight? We could call this project, CM Fortnight.


*CM fortnight battle Royale.

CM Fortnight can refer to Save the World mode as well.

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Wouldn’t it just be a short bus?




Yes it would.


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I wanna find out how to get this on a private server so I can pretend I’m good at the game when I die 5 minutes after drop to JRP

Please Joseph I’ll forgive you for IC ending my entire family tree by disintegrating my family jewels if you show me how


it’s buggy, crappily coded, not really balanced and requires debugging tools just to reset the rounds but it’s there if you wanna goof off with it

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i cant get it to work, it just says failed to initialize horde mode subsystem and starts a usual round

i honestly don’t know what’s wrong, tristan was able to set it up on his own a while ago. the map is probably not loading in correctly but you’re supposed to join horde mode via a ghost button in one of the topright panels

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