Decision 2184

Since he only dmed me this and didn’t actually post it as an acid goop, to quote @Flatulent’s dm to be verbatim, here is Senator John R. Public of Texas officially tossing his ring into the presidential election.

“Senator Public here. Writing to you that I intend to officialy declare my Presidential Campaign for decision 2184, as the fate of America is what is at stake here.

I have tolerated these chickenshit preds for too long, REAL patriots do not need superhuman speed and strength and advanced plasma weaponry to win. What you need is a bit of good old nanotechnology. And money. I am using money to get elected, Jack and W-Y got money like nobody else, Jack, nobody else.

We are going to use the W-Y money to make the wall around the preds, Jack. Nobody builds walls like we do. No longer will little Timmy the PVT fear being skinned by these racist beasts, we are going to stop space Racism, Jack. No more racism. We are going to stop it.

America for the truly free, damnit. And those with money. Me and my VP are trying to balance that out. Money is good but freedom is better. But maybe money is better, I guess, we will find out.”

The Pred WL is naturally in shambles following this monumental announcement.

John R. Public. A better United Americas. An end to Racism.


Where is Patriot 1 when you need him?

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This is absolutely 100% true. Predcord may not like this, but this is what a real political program looks like.

We have already locked in Luna and more territories are soon to follow. I was told there are Preds coming onto our planets, killing our marines. In Colombia and Las Vegas real American Patriots SLAMMED these illegal aliens, absolutely slammed them. I gotta tell you, Predcord ain’t sending us their best. Our proud PVTs are being killed by their not best, we have to build a wall around their space and protect our PVTs.

These illegal aliens do not respond to our phonecalls. When I was Secretary of Defense for President Gronk, back in the day, you might not remember, the President called these illegal aliens and they didn’t pick up the phone. These aliens are so poor, they do not have phones. In America we have the best phones, while they don’t have phones. I am using the phones to get elected, Jack, I am personally calling every marine to get elected.

This is why I am running for President, Jack. We would build a wall and toss phones over the wall so we can call them and ask them to not kill our PVTs. These preds aren’t picking up the phone, they don’t have any phones. It’s kinda pathetic really, there was this Pred, I call him Big Mike. I told Big Mike that he’s no good and he tried to kill me. Big Mike tried to kill me Jack, but I won. With nanomachines.

These illegal aliens are also racist as hell. I was strolling Trijent on a campaign, and this guy told me that my race is inferior. I called him a racist, and he tried to kill me, Jack, we can’t let these racists in. We can’t let the racists get over our walls and be racist to our PVTs.


Here’s a poorly generated AI image of Your Future President:tm:


Before i wasn’t sure who to vote for, now i know.


you have my vote mister president :clap:


The Duke approves.

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Please pardon me for my temporary inaction, for the past 72 hours I have been fillibustering a bill that would give Commissioned Officers of the USCM a legally-protected ability to be racist in command announcements. Thanks to my undending endurance we have managed to purge the Senate of the totally unawesome senators from the opposing party who were planning to have it passed.


Doing gods work.

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I’m sorry to have to tell you all this, but this “John R. Publican” (or whatever he goes by now) is not the man you think he is…

This man is a neverplayer. Case in point? The man himself said:

Don’t believe me? You can see for yourself. Counting Thread - #2938 by Flatulent

And as if that weren’t bad enough, he is also in FAVOR of slashing the defense budget!

And for the cherry on top? this man FLAUNTS about his ANTI-AMERICAN PROPAGANDA on HIS OWN profile page!

Screenshot_20241102-124702_Samsung Internet~2

Is this the kind of person you want to lead our marines to victory? To lead our glorious UA?


this child was racist i had to do it sorry
It says NATO at the top which means this is good ok?

I “played” today. Would a “neverplayer” play the Game and Get the Play of the Game today? Don’t think so.

Public / Burnsides 2184. Racists go onto our bayonets.


Then what do you have to say to the American people about your HATRED for our beloved marine corps?

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Marine corps were allegedly being used to fight “arcturians” which is pretty racist if you ask me. Marines will be fighting anti-racist battles under my administration.

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Burnsides-Beastley 2184

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A split ballot from the same party… the original candidate conveniently assasinated. Wake up sheeple!


So you think EVERYONE who fight against America’s enemies, our patriots, are all RACISTS now? Tsk tsk, for shame. If you love America, you hate her enemies, no matter what “race” they are. Simple as.


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-1, average liar:


i explicitly played because i was asked to thats it

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  • Winfield S. Burnsides
  • John R. Public
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