DevinXoptoh - Synthetic Application

Synthetic Application - DevinXoptoh

What is your BYOND key?


What is your Discord ID?


Do you usually play a specific character? If so, who?

Human: “Devin ‘Chip’ Shafer” Xeno: “CT-XX”

What whitelist applications have you previously completed?

I was stupid and made a poor application to try and get WJ

Synthetic Info:

Name of the Synth Character you wish to play:


What is your Synthetic’s Personality?

Caring, listening and straight to the point.
Can become mildly disgruntled if challenged or deceived

How will they react to the different ranks of the USCM, what would they talk about in a one on one conversation? What are their interests? What is an advertisement logline that could be written for them?

Dexter’s model line was constructed originally for colony support, from medical to childcare. While a military ranking system would be a complete change, they are respectful of positions in the structure and will always adapt their mannerisms to each rank

Why do you want to be a synthetic/why should we whitelist you?

I feel like I have reached a point of being an organic support player where I am able to contribute greatly, I feel like playing as a synthetic would only up my experience and potentially others without being a one man one trick job.

What is your most memorable interaction with a synthetic?

I have had quite a few extremely memorable interactions with synthetics.
Finn is always at the top of my mind when I play CM as I really enjoy their personality and their want to boost the gameplay experience for others.
Willard has also made multiple occasions either better or added humor when needed.

I do not recall the name of the synthetic exactly but I had a survivor round on Solaris which ended with a synthetic bargaining with the xenomorphs by “feeding” them our ammunition, while it comes across as a bit iffy, it shows willingness to adapt to a situation and RP around it rather than “haha no, I will stun you and drag you”

Synthetic Character Story:



Very, Can easily build a decent fob/communications defense and shipside is similar, with knowing advanced repairs and priority of repairs such as Power->Comms->ETC


Fairly familiar, While I do not play a lot of command myself apart from ASO, I am aware that listening and following is vital to an operation


Extremely familiar, Corpsman is my highest play time, frequently top reviving with the basic tools. Medical as in shipside/groundside is extremely knowledgeable aswell apart from chemistry as I confuse a lot of stupid things due to my Chemical Engineering degree in real life


Very, While I do not have a high playtime in the roll I find it easy to keep a consistent supply of ammo, material and food sent to either the fob or the front.

What are some scenarios that you can perform combat in? Give us a brief example.

If I opt to be a synth survivor, I will be allowed to combat a bit more freely due to a “delta alert” situation. However, my duties of protect and aid come first.

While not on delta alert, if a hostile is actively harassing myself or someone I am tending to, I am allowed to deter them away by attacking them, however personally I would never actively fully kill them. Restrain/remove is my personal outcome from this.

During hijack, delta alert is resumed, however, medical and self preservation come first rather than a hunt.

Final Info:

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason? Do you have any active jobbans?


Are you currently banned from our Discord?


Let us know why you were discord banned.

Not banned.

Do you have anything else you would like to include about your application?

Thank you for reading my application and my story, I really appreciate people taking their time to do so.


Play time hours before anyone asks!

Devin is a solid medical and engineering player from what I’ve seen of him. There has been numerous rounds where I have seen him save dozens of marines as a medic and have had the pleasure of having him as a doctor. I’ve also seen him as a comtech and he fulfills his duties without issues.

I would like to see you in the CIC a couple of rounds as an SO just so that you can have more confidence in knowing the role. Although it is very rare, synthetics can be assigned to overwatch and may be asked to modify IDs from time to time. I’m sure you do have some experience with this as an ASO, but in my personal experience you’re typically bogged down with intel or the requisitions department.

Your story was a good read and I really like the formatting! Overall I think you have what it takes to be one of the USCM’s quality synthetics! +1

have been watching and hoping to see something new. you’re good at support roles. i don’t think you’d use WL permissions to get Extreme Combat Perks and then run off and start meleeing xenos, i know you’re genuinely a support player through-and-through and want access to the role that makes you the most supportive. short: i know your heart is in the right place. i’ll leave other stuff for others, however:

Can become mildly disgruntled if challenged or deceived

  1. Do not antagonize or directly insult Marine personnel. Quips, banter and objective statements are fine, outright insults are not.

i’ve had you call me names, yell at me over the way i do things, break the spirit of ML stuff when I was a 1st LT and you very clearly went off on comms at me as a Lcpl; demanded as a not-NCO enlisted that command evac and end an op when a well-known medic player got decapped even though we had great tempo on ground and were winning; you’ve thrown shit at me in chemline when i was nurse, and you become easily frustrated and vocal when a.) you aren’t prioritized above others and b.) people aren’t acting in exactly the specific exact manner you would. and i unfortunately don’t believe i’ve seen this change significantly. i also think it’s a bit of a red flag that you have a caveat in your app and your synthetic personality to partially excuse this, because my experiences also lead me to believe the level of aggression would be to the extent it violates the programming guidelines.

there may or may not be an easy solution. i’ll leave it to actual WLers to offer any feedback about nature of the personality; but at least in SS13, as the easiest solution, when i want to be able to detach myself from stuff in the game to a greater degree, i find putting on a show and playing a character radically different from myself can assist with this a lot. that may or may not be your path, but just an idea.

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I appreciate the feedback!
I understand where you are coming from regarding my IC actions, I fully understand the snappyness and namecalling from my character can seem offputting.

I’m trying to withdraw from that a bit more in current and future rounds and will be making a concious effort to be a bit more supportive of others rather than “my way or the high way”

i fully believe in you; all the best on this one!

Solid medical + engineering player, knows their stuff and helpful to others. +1

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You look suspiciously competent for your playtimes, man…

Haven’t seen him as engineer (nobody notices engineers), but he’s a good medic, and a good player in general - always polite, chill, and doesn’t meme in IC chat.

Never danced on a charlie breakfast table. Maybe.

+1 from me

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Updated play times as of 07/08/24.

I’ve not been incredibly active due to ongoing IRL things that I’ve finally got a grip on but the hours have gone up slightly across the board I believe!

Hi DevinXoptoh and thank you for your interest in the Synthetic Whitelist.

To start with your personality, it needs quite a bit of refinement. To listen and be concise is something that all Synthetics share and the possibility of becoming disgruntled is not particularly a wanted trait. It is possible to pull off with some difficulty, and not grounds for outright denial - however your personality cannot simply revolve around this, its lacks depth. We also feel you didn’t answer any of the secondary questions about the personality, you just said that it’s for colony support which is too general and too basic. Within your story, Dexter doesn’t really show a unique personality or dialogue - and the bits that he does show are unfortunately overshadowed by the fact he is constantly interrupted and talked over in the second half. His attitude does show how he can become disgruntled and it stands out from the other dialogue, but it isn’t exactly a desirable trait to have and we don’t believe it meshes well - both in general for cm, and as the way it was presented.

Speaking of the story, there were several punctuation and grammatical errors that you should have caught - such as missing periods, unnecessary capitalizations. There were occasionally strangely written sentences or fragments. The story plot is very nice and unique, but unfortunately the second half of the story does not exhibit much dialogue from Dexter.

Happy to hear about the memorable experiences with Finn and Willard.

For your comments about your skills, we believe this section is quite lackluster. For example, under the command section you just said “I don’t play a lot besides ASO, I know to listen and follow.” which does not explain much. It is difficult for us to understand how you may be fairly familiar with command operations if its just listening and following. Thus, it’s imperative you elaborate more in this section.

While your combat answers are not entirely incorrect, they were very general. The question asks for some scenarios, so please try to think of actual situations where you as a Synthetic may need to engage in combat, and use them as an example.

Although there was good support for your competency we found several complications in regards to your attitude both ooc and occasionally ic(which could be argued for). Generally speaking, we feel that based on the observations made by our team and other members of the community, there is room for your behavior to improve. Being a Synthetic will expose to you many situations where you have to not only restrain yourself, but sometimes situations which may be downright unfair or borderline abusive.
Therefore, although it is rare to vet such situations, we do want to ensure that our Synthetics are going to be able to tolerate these added stresses and do so in a well-intending manner both OOCly in the spirit, but also ICly to maintain the character.

Here’s a summary of things I believe you should address:

  • Rework your Synthetic’s personality to better suit CM. It should be a unique approach which can allow for indepth RP when given the opportunity/time, and a memorable experience even when there’s time for a few words to be spoken, or actions to be made.
  • After doing so, rewrite or edit your story to better suit this personality. Ensure you go over your work to check for any mistakes or typos. Read it to check for its enjoyability and how much of the personality and dialogue is shown.
  • Rewrite your application to better explain how you believe you are skilled in the respective categories.
  • Take time to improve your behavior. Take a deep breath and be patient. Improve yourself and think about approaching situations with a better mindset that will not lead to conflict.

I hope that this feedback can help you better prepare for any subsequent applications you may be planning to do. Unfortunately, this application is denied but you can reapply as early as 9/8/2024. Do make sure to work on what is mentioned and more! I wish you the best of luck :slight_smile:


Added synth:denied and removed synth:waiting