Duckyworth’s been around since I started playing back in 2018. I recognize them, they can RP, I’ve had helpful experiences with them in CIC as a ground marine, and don’t remember any non-IC frictions. So sure, I’ll give them my first +1 on here.
+1 Pretty good at the game, and talks, and does what can do to help.
-1 for MP service medal, and 1k observer hours.
You are probably the most prepared applicant for CO I have seen to date. I have seen you on and off CM for longer than I can remember, and can endorse your addition to the WL without a second thought.
Fly high Major Duckworth, you are most welcome atop the ivory tower
I remember my first OP on CM. It was LV with an east gap. There, infront of 20 marines I saw 3 delta PFCs. Dominic Powers (maybe Don Nivans, memory fuzzy), Lance Endslay and Ducky. It was the first time i saw someone charging into a horde of xenos and comming back with 4 xeno bodies laying on the riverbed. Ever since then I told myself:” I wana be like them”.
Ducky is one the rare marines i have no bad memories of. He is competent, RP friendly and the oldest badass that I have the pleasure of knowing. +1
Out of the whole player base I think I have known Duckworth the longest. Great dude, good RP, many fun times had. Just wish you would stop going out and dying on me lol. This is an obvious +1 for me. Can’t wait to see you run the ship.
I can’t believe your second in command is just you again (Das), I’m convinced your story is just Ducky surrounded with his schizophrenia-induced hallucinations of various CIC staff.
Obviously +1, you’ve been around for a very long time, and I’ve recognised your name since the old days. Very trusted player, honestly I don’t even need to say anything given pretty much everyone on the forums knows who you are. Finally, another lowpop CO…
Based old mentor, great command and support player, best part he is a funny guy too. Great to RP with and get along with. +1 all the way! Hope to see you as CO soon!
One of the best marines out there, always bring a smile to my face. He’s gonna be a great CO
this guy is allegedly pretty good +1
obvious +1
Never interacted with him but seen him playing as XO lots of times and either SO or ASO. Very cool dude and rps well +1
if anyone deserves the whitelist it is ducky +1
solid XO, solid ASO, solid understanding of every role and solid gamesense
yep immediate +1
I’ve been playing CM on and off for about 5 years now, Ducky is one of the oldies I remember from way back when. Always a great roleplayer, solid player, has great game sense and overall just a chill dude.
I trusted his judgement a lot when I’m gathering information on the current state of the AO (both as xeno and marine). Definitely a +1 from me!
he has marinated in his pool long enough, it is time to bring him to the lake
+1, great player, will be a great CO
+1 love you homie
We’re CO back, +1
+1 yeah