Enjoyable pred moments

To your dismay, this is not a joke. I actually am wonder the moments you enjoyed play with, against, or any interaction with a pred at all.

Personally, I want to create baby events with the WL and I want to see, in general, what sort of things you’ve seen, enjoyed and hated. Because I want this WL to better and more-so, to be the change I want to see.

Don’t hold back your opinions but be respectful since the fandom jannies are watching.


Defending Allison A.W. Claymore against Pred attacks. Delta’s Primary A.W. must be protected.


I once deployed as a CL to “secure corporate property”. Preds were around and one of em died so everyone was running after the gear. I was screaming and running after the pred while shouting about how they have stolen corporate property and ended up duelling one with a knife. That day I made papa weyland proud!

Oh! Also that time where I rolled forsaken and had a pred build a fire over me, RPing that I was getting cooked. More xenos joined what ended up becoming the “stew”, a pile of living xenos along with some vegies and whatever the preds brought as ingredients. The “stew” getting cooked RP is a core pred memory



Predators roleplaying and engaging in the round as more of a neutral party is in my opinion more fun for both sides, just leaning towards a “hunt” is pretty boring for everyone and actually effects the gameplay of everyone


I mean, you cant really have a positive nor negative effect on the round and players, if you chose to not effect the round at all.
But thats not a net posetive, that just means your standing around doing nothing but talk. Wich you dont need a WL for.

And for my best experince i had was when i observed someone else as ghost. I saw someone else have a duel with a pred that was cocky and said “i dont need any weapons, not even my wrist blade” yeah he died hard against the stimmed marine. He ended up being gifted a mask for the rest of the round. Best part about that actually was the two preds watching, and how one was belitteling the other for enjoying backing as much as he did. Was pretty funny.

But the experinces i myself had with preds where usually a form of Fluroid stare from them.


My favorite pred moments are when I go senti or spitter, and spit at them constantly just to annoy them.
Second favorite would be sticky resining around preds when they aren’t moving.

It’s funny to troll preds…


My favorite pred moment is where i tabled biolock in front of the other preds then they played circus music 10/1


Everytime they’re not in the round.

I find preds cringe because they’re just so resiliant and overpowered that they can and do walk into a giant crowd of marines, and drag you super far from everyone.

Their RP seems to suggest playing by stealth, but their mechanics support tanky direct combat.

If preds were made way less resiliant, and not fucking with the main game, perhaps they’d be cooler.
For example, instead of hunting them in the game, they were kidnapping marines, and xenos.
Then in a future round, players who were kidnapped would be dropped into a “Predators (2010)” style hunting ground, as what they were when they were kidnapped, and hunted by stealth, that’d be a lot cooler.

I don’t know enough about Byond and the servers to make this a potential reality, but that would be “dream” scenario. Plus current design does seem to make it that “rounds don’t interact with each other.”
This may require Roleplaying on the forum for discussions, and coordinations for more intense roles.


I was the Combat Correspondent on Chances Claim….heh CC on CC.

Overall I was having an incredibly fun round, except where a wayward mortar obliterated my camera. Near the end of the operation, I came across a couple predators in fitness where I snapped a photo. Predator took exception to that, disarmed me and took the photo. I took another and it threw down the gauntlet and challenged me to a duel.

I saw it wasn’t wearing armour (Iirc) and decided fuck it, and stripped naked and picked up the weapon it gave me. It was amused and decided to use its fists. I got obliterated getting only 3 hits in. Fun times

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Found the video thank you Mensla for recording Video


If you didn’t know, their masks still provide you with xeno HUD’s which make clicking xenos and spotting them in half-light easier.

The more you know!


Preds not having a built in reason to RP and interact outside of “the hunt” is such a wasted oppertunity, give em objectives, something to work towards that gives to the round and elevates, a pred dying and having their shit taken by the marines only for a bunch to show up and fight for it is cool af.

Just imagine if preds where like in the first AvP movie, weaker and with less gear to start, having to gather it either from a temple on the map, or some location that interests both marines and xenos as a hold. With the whitelist covering instead the “old” preds that are complete badasses and that are sent to deal with a first hunt gone bad. Still having pretty harsh restrictions on the RP expectations of the regular preds however but would be awesome.


I like to go facehugger and then just jump on them and hide under a table and staff like that, annoying them as much as I can (HRP, huggers don’t care at what host they jump, just that they do).

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Fun fact, preds can clean trophies from their hunt to put them on their armor. Now imagine that was more then just decorative.
Also, RP thing outside “The Hunt”. Thralls do exist. Shame they arent ever done.

I dont really see a reason against that idea of having only proven preds that get OP gear be WL.
Not like we already have multiple roles with RP standarts that if violated cause a Jban that arent WL.
Would be a much more in character way of applying for the WL as well. By proving your robust. And not by writting an essay to show your are a good Roleplayer, for the WL that does basicly no roleplay and is more focused on combat.


preds are in the weakest state they’ve ever been in outside of two tap foot frac meta, they are incredibly easy to kill as a marine and you can very, very consistently win against them if you know what you are doing (less so as xeno)

you can also take scalps and all of these methods involve permakilling people
do you want preds to be permakilling more people (because nothing stops preds from doing that right now except for the people who play it having self restraint)

you dont need to be robust to play pred and people do roleplay as the role (usually with other preds) or by simply fucking with marines

most predators do not even actively hunt they just walk around and larp and try to scare people, which is fun - most people who get killed usually attack first or instigate

why you miss the point

i think a lot of you though are missing the point of what roleplaying with preds entail and what they are
ya you can talk to marines ya you can larp with them but at the end of the day you are the equivalent of a rich dentist going to hunt a lion

most of the ‘roleplay’ with predators as a marine (xenomorphs effectively cannot roleplay with a predator) is that you react to their existence and what it means to your character or what you think of it, it’s not walking up and saying ‘hi’ to them that starts rp it’s the pred seeing you and deciding to rp with you based off what you do and how they see you act
how you react to seeing 20 skinned bodies hanging upside down in LV engineering
how you react to seeing a predator lodge and NOT immediately shooting it (entering peacefully means you aren’t dishonourable and you might get to actually talk)
how you react to fighting and WHAT YOU DO in the fight
how you react to the actual predator itself

i’m not going to give a trophy to a guy who wordlessly walks up to me and tries to fucking plab me with an m37a2 into agrip mk2 im going to give a trophy to the guy who was trying his heart out but still lost and tried to make an interesting interaction with me by doing something, begging for their life insulting me in a way that makes sense being afraid being brave
something that isn’t just wordlessly killing or walking up and trying to be friendly with me

my favourite interactions as pred is the people i interfere with reacting to that interference, asking what the fuck is going on
that motivates me to try and interact with them more, to talk to them, to roleplay with them outside of just insulting them, to take them to the pred ship and be rude to them as i have done and seen done with oh so many people both post-hijack and pre-hijack

and my favourite interactions with predators are those exact same ones, reacting to their presence and existence

the unfortunate reality of all of this, though, is that unless i know for a fact i am a 1000x better than the person who i want to pull up and rp with or abduct, i need to be on my guard 24/7 and prepared to fucking kill everyone and hpc them lest i die and be relentlessly mocked in dchat because i died as the ‘overpowered whitelist’ when most of those aforementioned players have probably never even killed a predator before

what am i supposed to say to people who walk up to me and say ‘wow scary alien dude!!!’ or just stare at me and say ‘Erm.’ or any of the infinite variations of things that people think is going to make me want to rp with them when it does the exact opposite, especially considering the people who think that they NEED to typebait you to win in some form of weird mexican standoff

i’ve had tons of good and bad interactions with preds

and i think they add a lot more to the game than they detract right now, roleplay wise and gameplay wise
it is fun to have a cool fight even when you lose
it is funny to watch people get hpced and blow up
and i think there’s issues because every single whitelist has issues, every single role in this game has issues

TL;DR: pred is a freeform roleplay role
i think it is one of the best whitelists as it stands in terms of current player quality, yes it has issues every whitelist has issues
i dont blame preds for not wanting to interact and being cautious because all it takes is one semi-decent player who knows how to walk and doesn’t just stand still and you die
i dont blame them for not wanting to interact with thralling when its a clunky, dogshit mechanic and you dont know who wants to be thralled, because people who beg for it do not deserve it and you dont want to fuck a guys round over if he doesn’t want to be thralled (you can ask in LOOC, i suppose, but it removes the mystery and cool factor of it imo)

there is good pred roleplay, you can have good pred roleplay - you are not always going to and the best way to encourage it is to let it happen rather than trying to force it. you do not have to be friendly to a predator to make it roleplay with you but you also don’t have to walk up and immediately call them a ‘jamaican’ the moment you see them and act like you are chill with the 7’ alien lizard creature with fucking fishnet, ornate plate armour, a fucking cannon on its shoulder and a mask on

and then there is dying to the pred
that is also perfectly fine, it does not make the round worse
it sucks when it happens and you get a fracture, it sucks when you get skinned and permakilled
but i have not seen a single member of the whitelist in any of the pred rounds i have played, against any of the preds i have fought in almost 6 years, try to permakill me or anyone else who doesn’t slime them or be a fucking annoyance

my personal best interactions, though:
walking up to a pred and telling him to halt as sg, trying to understand his motives as to why he is hostile to marines because this was when preds were unkillable without AP and i had none
i start asking him why he’s doing it and tell him to stop or the uscmc will turn its attention onto him
i talk to him for a bit, he tells me he is here to hunt so i start shooting at him as an SG (i die ofc)

he beheads the two people who did nothing but watch and who told me not to fight and throws me back to the FOB for revival

another round i am playing as medic, i am larping being afraid of it and trying to run away
meanwhile im getting chased down like a rabid fucking dog and plinking with my l42a as the pred is decloaking after me, blowing up random shit around me

i get dragged to LZ2 and think i do well, i really dont but i get saved by a few marines
they act lrp but nothing happens, we talk for a bit and they kill an IO
it would have been an awesome RP opportunity if not for people walking up and saying ‘wow it’s a lost jamaican’ and shit

watching j.d bishop fight a pred on the LZ with only a double barrel shotgun after it had killed all his friends, cinematic standoff with a dagger, both of them falling into crit next to eachother and dying

i truly do hope that what i do as pred has made at least one persons day better, too, which i feel it has considering some people have spoken to me about it
and there’s so many other interactions, too

there’s so much more i could say and so much more i wish i had the patience to type but im lazy and just repeating myself
preds are good, and more often than not have a ‘positive’ rather than neutral impact
sometimes it goes wrong
sometimes bad things happen
nothing ever happens…


The best interaction I’ve had with them was when a runner pounced me in front of a predator and then ran off, and the pred challenged me to hunt it. So I did, I followed the runner to an area covered in weeds and it began to fight me. It was actually a cool fight with it pouncing me multiple times but with barely any health left and a fractured foot I managed to buckshot it and kill it.
Pred then took me to the pred ship and made me a thrall. Unfortunately after going back down to the ground I got swarmed by xenos and died, but it was still cool.

The bad interactions still outweigh the good though so I still avoid preds as much as possible, especially as xeno. In fact reading this thread has made me realize just how different it is to deal with preds as marine vs xeno. If you are xeno not only is there no real RP opportunity, but they are also like 20x harder to kill in a way that is just incredibly unfun (only a few castes stand a chance 1v1 and even then you must play perfectly), and they will just attack you out of nowhere and perma you. Whereas if you are marine they will sometimes throw your body back to FOB, and you actually stand a chance fighting them solo, and there is potential for RP or cool moments if the pred feels like it. Honestly I think pred’s impact on the game would be more positive overall if they just never interacted with xenos ever, but unfortunately some preds have their fun by running around killing random xenos that can barely fight back.

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preds are in the weakest state they’ve ever been in outside of two tap foot frac meta, they are incredibly easy to kill as a marine and you can very, very consistently win against them if you know what you are doing (less so as xeno)

They usually just walk away because they have speed of like 1,000 miler per hour.

idk, they seem like … they don’t feel like they fit in the core game.
When they’re added, from a “game is game” perspective, they just kinda ruin the game for whoever they just go after unless said person really likes fighting predators in “honor combat” or whatever you call that thing where they face off “evenly matched” without interference.

If I could spend time to massive reworks of predators, I’d probably apply to be pred whitelisted just to see what could be done differently, and explore new game designs, but I don’t have time, so I have no reason to apply except for potential RP. But I’m also banned from the discord so I can’t be whitelisted anyway.

why you miss the point


So yeah roleplaying with preds is hard. It seems to come down to the “woah, what happened?” Except it’s not really mysterious because we all saw the predator movies, or know everything about predator, so it’s not that mysterious.
Then you maybe get kidnapped or shot at by a predator who marked you for hunting.
Or it’s some arrogant ass hole predator, which maybe predators think they’re superior species or something if I read the whitelist rules correctly.

If you don’t shoot the predator on sight, he’ll basically just get 20 marines waltzing from FOB to front/back and just make the marines lose the game for some “roleplayer’s” kill count.

If you do shoot him on sight, he’ll just kidnap you and rip your skull out by beating you up in a way where you cannot fight back, or use all his OP equipment.

It just feels like you’re fighting a third faction that you cannot defeat or reasonably incapacitate, unless he does something incredibly stupid.
Or it’s like predators aren’t even in the round at all which I respect the RP if you’re trying to stay hidden.

Maybe predator rounds should have more planning to them and the hunts?
Maybe predators should kidnap marines and engage in combat without killing them only to return them to the battlefield? Especially if they’re “common soldiers” and “not worthy of death.”

Like if the predator rounds had predator elders be like “I need you to bring me ONE Staff Officer Skull” and that was his mission, that’d be cool if it was coordinated with CO whitelists to also send down a staff officer with 4 so in cic.
Then it’d be more honorable, as right now it’s just killcounts, and “look at me, so edgy guy.”

If it really is a super heavy roleplay role, it needs more emphasis on the roleplay, and less emphasis on the “I’m better than you.”

If it were up to me, I’d probably have deleted predators from the game long ago.
If it were up to me now, I’d remove them 90% of the way compared to how much they’re in the game now to focus on how to make them more … well less … stupid?

Unsure if this gives you any helpful information, but aside from the people that just like fighting predators in close honor combat, I would say predators are just dumb. Especially since “marines aren’t supposed to know who they are” and “can’t do anything until ordered to or witness violence.”
Everyone knows who they are, and everyone knows what they plan to do. A new angle needs to be met that isn’t mystery.


I remember one time pred died, but activated his SD. Some HRP marine took a step towards it, and cluelessly asked: “Why he beeping?” Then they both exploded in a blaze of glory. That was so hilariously dumb, I couldn’t stop laughing

Unrelated larp about pred-to-human communication

To be honest, people whining about the preds killing them, provoke said preds themselves. If you don’t want to get your round ruined by some ancient alien edgy teenager - just ignore them. Don’t LRP, don’t scream “JAMAICANS ARE HERE, HIDE YOUR WEED!!!” in the comms, don’t try to PB+M39 AP them

Ignore them - and they’ll ignore you in return, it’s not hard, stop coping about it

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That is not true. Pred can choose to hunt you even if you ignore them. They can claim any feat you have done in their view was “skillfull” and engage in hunt.
Not that it is a bad thing, I enjoy honorable hunts with preds.
So it is not fair to say that if you ignore predators, they will ignore you.
They will see you kill a lurker, or force T3 to flee, they can choose to hunt you.
And if they have choosen to hunt you and you will ignore them, they have no obligation to not kill you, I think they are even more likely to perma you, like come on, blatantly ignoring pred that is trying to engage with you is super LRP.

To not be offtopic, it is super easy to kill a predator in honorable hunt compared to T2 xeno. Pred won’t escape, pred won’t stun you, he won’t pounce on you, all he can do is run up to you and slash you, maybe throw his stick at you. Any AP will merc them, even the infamous pump-action shotgun + flechette. You kill that pred, you get his mask, mask is pretty useless so go shipside to research and give it to researcher in exchange for full limb prosthesis surgery. Then wait for preds to come to the ship, tell them that it is no longer highschool, no nerd bullying, kill another, be happy.

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