BRO the flare gun IS SO GOOD I made like seven different loadouts with it
The xenos scurry around and you go like “NOT TODAY” and you pull put that thing you got packed and go like “ATUMALAKA AHAHAHAAHA” and the xeno goes “SSSSSRRRAAAAAAA” (the fucking sound it does when it gets damaged or something what do you think I am some kind of orto- ortofuck- ONOMOTO-MOTO??? Overthrow the USCM? I guess so.
Every time I hit the xeno with the flare gun and they run away like cowards I can’t help but go EEEHEEHEHAHAHA and they can’t do SHIT because I am HALF A MAP AWAY using my 2x scope eat flare nerds see you in fucking hell motherfucking bitch hope you DIE I HATE THIS GAMEE
Everything is so dark in the darkest dungeon dungeon man I wish I had a flare gun :c
The devs KNEW this gun was good enough to dedicate a HOLSTER TO IT BRO you can’t deny it’s effectiveness like bro trust me you can deal SO MUCH DAMAGE following this setup:
Go light armor (skip eating stuff that shit slows you down), pick two flare pouches, pick the flare gun holster, store a flare gun in your chest slot, and fill your satchel with flare guns, load them with flares. BOOM NOW YOU GOT LIKE SIX CONSECUTIVE SHOTS OF THE BEST STUFF IN THE GODAMN GAME xenos are going to go like “HOW THE FUCK THERE IS TWO PYROS” or something I don’t actually know how the game works
aNYWAY this my guide to actually not hating yourself for playing this game for more than thirty minutes just USE THE FLARE GUN AND STOP PUSHING INTO A GODAMN HELLHOLE WITH NO LIGHT PLEASE