See title, attack xenos is fucking annoying when there’s a load of doors in the way (especially when the DS crashes in research), CO’s bunks and whatnot could still be restricted i guess
Additionally, this could be used for HvH events (marines not having access to maints when UPP do is really annoying)
May I introduce to you
The masterkey
A bullet
A crowbar.
Apcs die on the deck the ship crashes on. A simple crowbar opens it.
I don’t see why I should need to carry a special loadout just to break through doors which the APC has been repaired for, bullets really don’t work when you need about 50 in the middle of combat to break them
In this case the APC has been repaired of course
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underbarrel shotgun
also in a realistic manner - why would a normal PFC or a PVT get all access to the ship during a delta alert? That’s like boarding time, and if PVT/PFC Balder McBald Face dies to John UPP/CLF the enemy gets All Access.
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emergency access?
it’s besides the point that UPP do already get access to a good portion of the ship in my experience unless that is specifically given by admins
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