that took like 30 minutes to make and one can clear it under a minute
I will find you and put sand in all your socks if you tell people to spam those.
Yes, it CAN work well at door ways.
But people spam 2x2 fucking everywhere with no regard for its placment. Half my Hivelord rounds i spend removing the shitty 2x2.
And it is the fault of the TGMC wiki. Because that shit is a good tactic over there with people spamming doors fucking everywhere. Xeno doors work very diffrent there after all.
In general you dont need to think hard to build there. Wich swaps over to here. Even prime drones make the random 2x2. AHHHHHHHHH
I hate 2x2 so much. 90% of the time they are placed dumb as fuck and cause more work then they safe.
If you want a good guide on how to build for xenos, i say look at guides how to build for marines. Then flip that around. Rules on how to build cade lines, apply to how to build Resin in the opesit way.
Like, how to make corners that force xenos to come out of safty to slash cades. So, you need to make the corners how you would not want to build em as marine, so xenos can easily sneak out and grab/attack someone out of cover.
I have played builder castes (drones, hivelords) for most of my gameplay! I have so many thoughts/theories and so many times I considered putting together a google docs explaining everything I learned and analyzing marine cade guides to better make xeno hive building, such as mimmicking placement of doors in the same column as some bad flippable cades to force marines to either shoot their own retreating comrades to try and halt a xeno attack or stay put managing their FF. There are SO many more structures you can build in different situations, using different resins to make them. I propose there are more cases than the “just build a 2x2 with 2 doors”, and I am sure I can bring something together to spark discussion. Honestly, I played builders so much I became sick of it, but the idea of sharing my thoughts kinda gets me pumped to practice more and learn more. Maybe I should make a topic in the guides? Dunno.
Do it. Even just a list of diffrent structers and their purpose, as you mentioned, would be amazing.
Even more so a proper guide.
Anything to help reduce 2x2 spam
back before NV got added i used to play a fair amount of builders on LV and i used to spam 2 door 1 wall grid, it was VERY easy to destroy but man was it good for getting caps
Funny enough maze hells work quite well as queen or drone if you arent using big xenos and the xenos in it know how to help intent shuffle
Always be spamming 2x2’s as xeno. Important to block sightlines and firing lines. Marines often get lazy and not destroy 2x2’s making it challenging for them to retreat.
IMPORTANT: Make sure the 2x2 does not result in 1 tile wide entrances. I typically only make 2x2 that still allows 2 tile wide corridors to avoid bodyblock potential.
GRIEFING: Make double doors that xeno has to open both to enter/exit. Will be guaranteed to kill xenos that try to flee. Even make doors on ledges that a xeno will have issues entering a certain way.
HIVE CLUSTERS: Very nice at important chokepoints, try to hide behind wall. Slows down marines tremendously it is pain to cut each weed tile. It’s been buffed so it spreads to unweedable tiles. Constantly heal the cluster with your plasma to regrow the weeds. You can also stack multiple recovery nodes with each other to heal the same xeno.
The most concise formula:
- Link doors, cover flanks, leave some space to maneuver
Summarizing the tips above:
- It is not necessary to concentrate all the construction in 1 place (cas will demolish everything anyway)
- It is worth installing Sticky Resin behind the doors to prevent a chase
- Weeds outside the walls slow down the advance of the front
- Double doors are evil
- Doors with a width of 2 titles are preferred
- Doors with a width of 3 titles are undesirable
- It is worth installing Hive cluster more often (mainly behind the walls on the front line)
- Spikes are harder to hit than sticky masses and prevent those caught from escaping
- Acid pillars are primarily an excellent fire extinguisher, not an offensive weapon
- Check your escape routes, don’t let yourself be cornered