how do I become more robust

I actually agree with Cabal. My god.

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aleksander pavlovich uses b12 armor
dallas weeter uses eod armor
don nivans uses eod armor (or b12? i can’t remember)
even tank moore uses eod armor (on some of his characters) iirc

There’s tons of robust marines who use b12 or eod armor. b12 especially, is not a bad choice. Suboptimal for most people, yes, but not useless.

Preventing fracs keeps you in the fight for a lot longer, and in some rounds, fracs sending you back to ship are the biggest pain in the ass in the world. Light armor can’t catch every FF.

Heavy armor has its advantages and disadvantages. It’s only bad if your playstyle is all about chasing imo. Even then u can still utilize it well with enough skill (and teamwork especially).

but yeah it’s a VERY specific choice you gotta make if you use heavy armor.

Robustness is not about what gear u choose, it’s mostly how u play the video game.

True. Heavy Armor is useful if you know how. Learn first do not assume out of the gate it will make you robust. It is mostly situational awareness.


u can say my name


Why are you calling me out?

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B12 is medium armor speed and storage space with more bio, less explosion and bullet protection, so it doesn’t count.

It is SS13 with 7 tiles vision (less for marines most of the time due to darkness and stupid directonal lightning). Speed is king. Speed lets you reposition yourself better etc. The best defence for a marine is to let heavy armor users be eaten and shoot instead of you.
B12 costs 30 points for a reason.

Wrong, this is one of the most important parts. The most robust marine will eat shit and die if you give him shit loadout.

Heavy armor is just “I hate getting broken chest/arm/leg from few stray bullets” and that is it. Aliens aim feet, or hand, so armor is worth jack shit in this case.

And I know that because I was vocal for adding armor variants and then as soon as heavy was made available I worn it constantly untill B12 became PFC vendor purchase, which is objectively better. And I complained that it is shitty, which had to be justified since from just being much better against melee, but slow, it became anti FF aka EOD armor barerly better against slashes.

With pulse rifle AP there is no difference between armors. With buckshot PB you still get broken whatever you got hit.

Trust me, I want heavy armor to be good (shoulderpadless is so gooooood looking), but it ain’t. And some random marine names don’t prove much. John Marine uses normal armor skull variant, is this a viable argument?
And it will always stay in this place, because current CM Staff policy regarding marine armor is that nobody wants to mess with their killtimes from xenos.

Currently EOD armor is just a joke compared to B12 against xenos. The same internal damage protection for +5 melee armor, while much slower. If somebody takes EOD instead of B12 then he wears that for style and I can’t blame you, it is the same as not wearing helmet.


On the Xeno aiming feet and hands bit, it’s actually become more of a meta to aim arms and legs, since if they have light armour, it actually does more damage since, and the grace can cause IB.

How attacking arms/legs that have marine uniform + actual armor “armor” is better than attacking hand/feet that only have glove/boot armor?

Unless there was some change that gloves, boots and helmets have bigger armor and internal armor value than uniform and light armor combined.

If i remember right, Marine boots and bloves gives medium or medium lower armour, while light armour gives one or two tiers lower then that to arms and legs. It was pointed out through the github, so i’ll be back with it once i find it myself.

Edit: Yup. Light armour gives MediumLow armour to melee across the body, while marine gloves gived Medium for hands, and boots give Medium as well


Another Edit: Don’t shoot acid at hands or feet, as they have medium bio armor.

But then how much marine uniform has armor? Probably low, or something like that, so those two combined wouldn’t be the same as gloves/boots?

Seems to be low. So you would do as much damage targeting hands/feet as you would targeting chest.

Don’t see a reason why you would target hands and feet in that case.

That is if the armor stacks, but i’m not enough of a code monkey to check it.

Gloves also have low internal armor, while boots have mediumlow, but light armor has medium, so yet another reason to aim feet/hand to get fracture, instead of IB that medic can easly treat.

From what I remember from the past I think I saw some dev claiming that it does indeed stack.
Either way you maybe decide to aim arm/leg instead of hand/feet when it comes to light armor marines, but that is up to your preference if you want fracture/delimb, or IB more (fracture/delimb is worse in 9/10 cases for marine).

All the more reason to use B12 armor.

Depends on the caste i guess in this case, but generally its a slight RNG buff in terms of getting a frac. And IB is much more of a silent killer then you’d think, especcially for backlines or anywhere that isn’t directly at the front. Since then people will mostly med and splint themselves and not have a doc look at them, while the IB ticks until its too late and you are unconsious while chasing a xeno.

And you also gotta think of the time the marine takes to go back to a medic, and have it fixed on them. The more you get, the bigger the line, the less marines on the actual front.

But yeah. B12 is the actual goat. I very rarely recive fracs with it.

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if the shit loadout is not something they’re practiced in, then they will flop.
but if that shit loadout is how they play the video game, then it works.

that’s why i say it’s more important on how u play the video game

eliminate a majority of the unmanageable risk (friendly fire) giving you fracs, and less chance of being taken out for 10 or so minutes to get surgery. Still very inconsistent at this job though.

That time lost stacks up hard, because of opportunity cost.

Still ye, since you’re naturally slow, you’ll get targetted more often by certain xeno castes (dancer, ravager, warrior, lurker, etc) and probably frac out a bit more. Fracs also slowing down more, even when splinted… very painful to deal with, and a veeery major disadvantage of the gear.

And yeah, speed just gives so much more options, both aggressive and defensive.

It really is a situational choice imo. I don’t personally find it worth it, but i don’t think it’s terrible, just suboptimal. (at least for the way i play)

Yeah i agree. Eod is just style points, b12 is just better.

whats all this nerd stuff, just go with what drip suits you


I’m in this comment and I don’t like it


you can take more damage though.
So until you are good at positioning, the ability to take more damage before dying is helpful.

So I’m confused on how it’s the opposite of robust.

You can take more damage… from marines. And that is about it, you can take more damage from your friends in exchange for getting more hits from xenos, your enemies.

I don’t think sitting in deadchat will make you good at positioning.

Taking subpar gear in presence of better, easly accesible one and not for style (like not wearing a helmet) is the opposite of robust.
Heavy armor is a noob trap and being a noob is the opposite of being robust.

As I mentioned previously, it is only good against bullets and explosions, so only against other marines. And the unrobust guy will be causing the most ammount of said FF themselfs anyway.

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I could have swore I lived from claws, and acid in ways medium armor would have killed me.

Is this just suspicion, or have you checked the source code? I could swear heavy armor makes you last a few more hits medium armor would have killed me with.

Best comment. Be yourself.