I’m all for preventing hell fob sieges, but I don’t know why people are pushing so hard to make rounds shorter. Sure a new round means you get to respawn after you balded out, but every time a round ends it’s
5 minutes for server to reset
5 minutes in lobby till roundstart
25-35 minutes for marines to deploy
35-40 minutes for marines to get enough momentum/traction for an actual push to form a front
only then does combat actually start
Every time you start a new round you reset this shitty cycle and spend another 45 minutes waiting to play the game for what ends up being literally less than 5 minutes of open combat in some worst cases. So having a 1 hour round means more than 75% of your round is just waiting to play
I like long rounds, it gives more leeway for cool things to happen - a bar built in the FOB, marine/xeno megaclutches that make winning actually feel rewarding, research making a greeno hive, etc. Long rounds are soulful
I think to make them attainable though:
You need to make survivability more viable. Make permadeath less punishing. Bring back 2 larva per cap, make med systems easier. Make larva and foxtrot more commonplace, to allow respawns for both sides enough to sustain an open front for a bit.
(I made a discussion for that a while back and people didn’t seem to like the idea though, in which case I’d say the only alternative is to live without being able to play for hours at a time instead of expecting the entire game to be railroaded to balance for ghosts in dchat) -
Change the whole meta. I think endgames are a big part of it, I gave my thoughts on that in this shitpost:
Endgame Reworks
but short tldr, both marine and xeno endgames presently force xenos to siege the FOB cause for some reason that was deemed a good idea I guess
I don’t think side objectives would necessarily be a good idea; as much as we like to be high and mighty and pretend CM isn’t a TDM, that’s what most people play it for. Certainly most of the xenos; and I’m sure many marines wouldn’t wanna spend 40 minutes kitting up, deploying, immediately achieving some arbitrary objective like getting power up (standing around for 5 minutes staring into darkness while engis do the work) then hearing the end round victory music. People wanna shoot shit. This isn’t a MILSIM, I think if people wanna do that kind of stuff there’s way more opportunity on the PvE server.
I agree with Steelpoint, I think open frontline combat and hivesieges are what people live for, and I think we should be incentivizing that more