Icy5 - Permanent Ban Appeal

Icy5 - Permanent Ban Appeal

What’s your BYOND key?


Character Name?

Denholm Parkinson

Type of Ban?

Permanent Ban

What is your Bancode?

Admin who banned you?

Don’t remember, probably grim.

Total Ban Duration


Remaining Duration


What other servers do you play on?


Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?


Do you play using a Virtual Machine?


is your copy of Windows legitimate?


Reason for Ban:

“Use of hacks.”

Links to previous appeals:

None on updated forum.

Your appeal:

Well, I think the reason can aptly describe what I did wrong, I knew it was wrong back then as do I now, but it’s been a few years and I’m quite a bit older and don’t really feel the need to do stupid shit anymore for a few laughs with people in discord, I know multiple people who play CM still even from back then and newgens on TGMC who I’ve been receiving info from for the past few years and some stuff I heard recently piqued my interest.

So while I’m not exactly sorry for what I did since at the time I really didn’t harm anybody besides a few friends who I’d laugh about what happened in discord too as I already was a veteran player and didn’t “need” to use the aimbot for anything other than messing around with people and pred hunting with boot knives, which yes I do realize now that it was stupid and would ruin their gameplay. I can also say that I have actively tried to change the way that I think about ss13 as a whole and staffing for that long made me realize community impacts quite a bit more than I had previously.

But yes I can say that I won’t violate anymore rules here. If required I can get a vouch from TGMC and maybe a few other hosts although I doubt their servers are still up I’ve mostly just been a consistent admin on TGMC for the past few years with no incidents regarding this and being although I don’t like to really say it, a well liked admin and community member if you need proof of behavioral change rather than just my word. I would mostly just like to ask to be given a second chance as I do still really enjoy the whole marine concept and would like to try a more I guess roleplay involved server than TGMC can offer especially since I have heard the gameplay has improved here quite a bit aswell.


If you can secure a vouch, please do. As it stands now you were permabanned twice for doing the same thing, and then made things worse by multikeying.

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Appeal Approved

Hello @Icy551 , I’ve gone ahead and looked into the details regarding your ban.

Your ban should be lifted shortly. Please remember to read our Server Rules to avoid getting banned in the future.

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