Leave Larva Queue

a button to leave the larva queue without toggling the candidacy off would be nice


Amazing idea, would there be a separate button to leave the queue?


Staff actually have this ability, we can opt-out of being selected for a larva, though we retain our position in the queue if we opt back in to the queue.

I can’t think of any reason this can’t be extended to regular players.


There would be no benefit to leave the queue over the existing toggle for candidacy. You don’t lose your position. The queue isn’t entered in first come first serve. The queue is always ordered by who has been dead the longest.


It has happened to me more than once, during hijack spawning as a larvae while waiting to roll for ERT. It was not fun. I think it would be nice to have this.


the benefit is that i dont need to enable it again when i turn it off


You have candidacy on if you want to be larva, otherwise you don’t. And you are free to disconnect, go afk, toggle candidacy, play as a hugger, play as a lesser, play in the tdome without penalty. You will always retain your position because it’s sorted by time of death compared to every other candidates time of death. That is why there is confusion why people see their position jump around because it’s only listing valid candidates at that time.

Larva protections that Steelpoint was mentioning honestly could just be removed if candidacy was always off by default when admin. The original reason for it was to just not get slotted into a larva when aghosting.

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usually i do want to be a larva except when it’s hijack or foxtrot are about to be deployed etc, it’s just a little QOL thing so that i don’t have to re-enable it manually after for the next round (im very forgetful and also lazy)

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I think it’s more about adding a UI button same as “leave body” when you’re dead. Albeit then the UI might get a bit cluttered.

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that too i dont like the preferences menu

honestly yeah just adding the toggle to the ui would be enough if not better

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