Lesser tanking is shocking powerful

so died as scout…no this is not a cope thread just me realizing the power of just a bit of tanking can do.

so i was playing a round of LV (best map) and got my scout slot… i was roaming planning on hive diving as one does as scout. were i run into a spitter we dual a bit back and fro, the spitter got a strong acid off on me and i was running out of time as the red EZ can only do so much to stem the burns. i mag dump the spitter at close range off weeds with impact, than i reload with INC mag and get a few shots off before dieding to the strong acid.

i of course salted in the Dchat as is the way… really in the end i was not mad that i died but that i didn’t take the spitter with me.

it didn’t make sense to me that the spitter lived… but that one thing was that there was a lesser there that tanked a few shots.

so i did the math a mag of impact at close range can do 792 damage and a spitter got 550 and 15 armor but with the high AP of the scouts rifle it should of not matter.

so it will have take 13 shots of impact to crit the spitter and the mag holds 18 rounds so will had to miss 5 shots… ok thats not that hard but counting the at lest 2 shots of INC i hit the spitter with that will have been 66 damage with of Course fire damage as well.

so the only way the spitter was able to live was if the lesser had tanked and patted the spitter…

i guess the point of this story is give your little friends a head pat as just a bit of tanking can and will save you.

Edit: really i feel talking more about how the battle went as i find it quite intriguing.

the thing about how the battle went more i think and recall about it the more and more the lesser carried the spitter. For one thing the lesser was using its bypass power to walk infront of the spitter tanking i think about 3 impacts rounds this not only allowed the spitter to keep moving into range but also stopped me from stun locking and allowing the spitter to get range damage off as well as the strong acid i got hit with was even thanks to the lesser.

SO IT WAS NOT EVEN JUST THE DAMAGE SOKEING THAT THE LESSER PULLED OFF. But in fact allowed for the spitter to dish out damage.

What’s more after they closed in i was of course backing off to keep them out of melee but do to way the lesser was moving to me as well as the room it made me move at a odd angle to keep away from the lessers claws throwing off my aim making me miss at lest one of my shots and as i had it set to burst fire it the missed shots were not just one round but 2.

SO THE LESSER TANKED OR MADE ME MISS AT LEST 5 rounds and the 5 was just what the spitter needed to stay out of crit, as for the 2 inc rounds they will have not had the damage to burst the spitter unless the spitter was alrighty in crit. what’s even more the lesser pulled the weeds a bit closer this is what in the end may of saved the spitter as spitter will have been in -44 crit if the math checks out as well as being on fire.

the dual pulled quite far from the weeds, so if the lesser didn’t pull the weeds just that much closer the fire may of taked out the spitter from crit damage.

its wild to now that i think about it I WILL HAVE WON THAT 1v1 and most likey lived had it not been for that lesser. Even if i didn’t lived i will have taken out the spitter with me.

go to show that a smart and well played lesser pull of some great stunts.

Again this is me not salting if i was i will put this in discussion or that one idea guy thread. i just really fine this absolutely fascinating.


Translation: Scout salts that their OP gun finally didn’t let them win a 1v2 against coordinated xenos.


eh not really proper translation, not really salting as i not really mad about it(of course was at the time of my death, really who isn’t mad to lose there spec roll.) nor am i calling for a nerf or a buff or even saying it was unfair.

i was just pointing out that lessers just taking a round or 2 can make all the difference in a fight, some thing that before i never thought made all that much of a difference. Thing was the lesser only got one hit off on me and that was just as i was about to crit anyhow. so in the end it was the spitter that won the battle, but it was the lesser that won the war. IE saving the spitter when in crit.

this is just a dumb story time, lesser clutchs are always neat to me.


now this is true that’s why i find this neat as the number 2 was the freebe lesser.

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Just wait until he learns about lurker + hugger combo.


dam that’s a lot of writing for something you could have just said was a skill issue


I would extend this to tanking in general as t1’s not just from lessers. I drone when I feel like playing xeno and I will and do sacrifice myself if it saves a higher tier or queen from dying. I have definitely willingly died for others if it means we can keep the pressure going on marines.

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get off the forums and back to discord holy shit


just because you cant get ahold of me on there doesn’t mean you have to find me on here mack, a little weird

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sorry I didn’t realize your post was such a long time ago and this thread was in acid goop, I thought this was the discussion forum so I was annoyed kekekkek

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no worries makhnovtsi it happens :cowboy_hat_face:

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