lukas292001 - Player Report: Salazar ‘Cyclops’ Petrovich, Rule 4 (griefing)
What’s your BYOND key?
Round ID:
Your character name:
Weaveguard (QML)
Accused BYOND key:
dangerrevolution (I think)
Accused character name:
Salazar ‘Cyclops’ Petrovich
What rule(s) were broken?:
Rule 4 (griefing)
Description of the incident:
As XO from what I gathered at the round end and from the streamer streaming that round. The XO openly ordered the mortar to fire on us weavers Durning which he gibbed multiple marines and A synth. As XO you are responsible for every marine and their safety. Openly attacking a faction that has done nothing but lay down and be friendly and, in the process, Gibbing at least 3 marines is griefing and a Synth. This was a peaceful event that turned to us nearly having to wipe out the marines.
I don’t have much to add to this but I really loved that event and getting ran over for no reason definitely sucked. I feel like there was a lot of room for some fun roleplay that usually is not ever in the game (a peace angle) and instead of wanting to play out the event at all, it seemed like command instead just took the steamroll approach. It kind of reminded me of that event from about a month ago with the protesters where they got OB’d.
Context: I was a marine medic turned peacemongerer for the weave.
After reviewing this report, I do not believe the Executive Officer was griefing in their actions, and thus I am denying this report.
Following my investigation, the rough series of events I can ascertain regarding the mortar incident was that a squad of Intelligence Officers were observing a large group of weaveguard xenomorphs and marines congregating in a small area, with the weaveguard in the middle of actively converting the marines to become allies of the weaveguard, at least this was inferred by the third party observers. The IO’s sent a urgent request to the XO for permission to fire a mortar round at the targets.
From my reading of the event, the weaveguard were actively converting marines into thralls/cultists/slaves. This was mechanically enforced via in-game mechanics. Furthermore, information regarding this mechanic was being filtered through marine communications which eventually reached its way to CIC.
I believe this makes the weaveguard an active and major threat, as their ability to compromise active marines adds a major element of ambiguity on who is and is not a enemy. In this environment of uncertainty, it is impossible for the XO, or any marine player, to have 100% knowledge on who and what the threat is, and thus they can only act as best they can to preserve the integrity of their battalion and command.
Thus, the XO authorizing the marines to open fire on both the weaveguard, and the marines in proximity, is a order I would describe as valid due to the extraordinary circumstances of the event that was occurring. I do not have any reasons to believe the XO was acting to grief anyone, and was acting with sufficient in-character and roleplay reasoning.