Maintainer Update JUN2023

Really love the direction for the most part. It would be cool if Deep tissue Eschar(otomy) got a graphic similar to husking. For (particularly) head, chest, groin it might even be useful to see from a player perspective to act on it IC.

Egg morpher changes sound really cool. I don’t mind egg morpher but my gripe with hives nowadays would definitely fall into the vibe of what a hive should look and feel like. We lost some of that with egg morpher deleting bodies and the lack of necessity for eggs everywhere. I’m curious to see what the changes are in full

Siege caste will be interesting. The balance process of it may be even more interesting (and funny and painful).

Concerned about loss of M2C and armor, as in the past these changes can massively shift balance into one direction, but hopefully it works out without too much issue.

Maintainer Update 10/7/23:



The loss of the continuation of the ‘xeno nuke’ ending is going to hit hard, that and the evacuation gameplay rework.

Yes, someone else could come in and finish/do them, but its still hitting us hard either way.

Also, shame on those people who tried to put up revert/removal PRs for some of Morrows work not even a day after he stepped down.

In circles over and over again.

Building the new systems on the half finished systems of old.

Add static tcomms, remove static tcomms add remote tcomms, add commtechs, remove most of commtechs, remove remote tcomms, re add tcomms 1 static location

(Not a reflection on morrow he did a damn good job just… constant 2 steps forward 1 step back cycle of cm)

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