Im employed and don’t want to wait 30 minutes my one round of the day
At this point it seems like their are so many issues with doing this it makes me wonder if it worth it. I mean is CM so starved of RP we need to do this. As I said before their are combat focued roles like rfileman and their are RP focused rolls like any ship side roll. So why not just foucs on improving the shipside rolls.
Will just encourage people to AFK, will not encourage roleplay
I mean people already do that a lot.
Yeah, this won’t help, you’ll get more AFKrines
Yep I just keep winning.
While I like playing CM for RP and don’t care about balance or fairness at all I don’t know if making the time to deploy take longer is a good idea. I think a better solution may be just making hijack take more time instead. Give marines some breathing room after the fighting to do things like hold a memorial, actually find their friends and question who made it? Maybe hit the kitchen and RP there or for the people who don’t care get armed up for a better fight during hijack. I love RPing in general even when I played a Rifleman more instead of Corpsman I made sure to do it, while I don’t like the “I just wanna shoot bugs and then afk when I can’t” mindset unfortunately a lot of Marines just want to do that. I also don’t think its good for Xenos to just wait longer as well since its more forced on them once Survs are dead and from what I have seen here from some Xeno players it just sounds like all that would be left is mindless busywork.
I do think it should be around the 25-minute mark, rather than 30, it’d probably be helpful if we continued to streamline prep time, so we have more time actually doing things rather than just doing the “artificial busywork” which haunted our design for many years (which we’ve thankfully started to move away from )