Mentor Application - MarpleJones

From my perspective, the game really hasn’t changed in the past years, given the “stick to what works” roadmap policy the developers have been deploying since I’ve first started playing in 2020 (?), well before the handful of fabled playtime resets. I know a lot of things about the game beyond what can be found on the surface level, and to add some help whenever something comes up in discussions or in-game MHelp is… well, why not?

Whether I’d be good at helping new players? I don’t know. I think that the game is more fun if you learn some things yourself. When the new mentor/SEA system came out, I’ve seen new players being taught through LOOC walls of text. I don’t really find that in spirit of the game, or the role, so I’d like to avoid that. And if I were to teach a player about every small thing they can stumble upon by randomly clicking on their UI, then the round would already be in hijack stage or they’d bore themselves into SSD.

Here are my current playtimes. (Why I’ve lost 2 hours in the Xeno playtimes compared to three months ago confuses even me). I’m afraid that there won’t be some noticable increase since I’m not keen on turning this into a job. This application is just a passion thing for me. Part of that passion was the guide I wrote this year for a role barely seen in normal play, Tank Crewman, or rather, "GO BACK! DRIVER! BACK! BACK!!! *PAIN". And however this application turns out won’t change much about why I play this game, or how often I play it. I would just like to add to the community whenever I’d do.