MP’s and breaking the law

I was reading through ML and I noticed this

The Interesting thing about this is that they are required to be charged with charged with Neglect of Duty rather than Misuse of Authority

Is this intentional? because I believe that would be the incorrect charge to apply.

Not every crime an MP can commit is Misuse of Authority. Misuse of Authority is merely a crime that only MPs or deputized Marines can be charged with.

Committing a crime as a member of the MPs is in of itself a Neglect of Duty as you are duty-bound to follow Marine Law as an MP. I don’t know if it is still enforced this way, but spawning as an MP even warns you that any breaking of the law as MP can lead to an instant note/warning/roleban depending on the severity of the Lawbreak/Context.

Thanks for clearing it up a bit, but if an MP commits a crime maliciously would the neglect of duty crime still apply?

Breaking every window in briefing or something like that isn’t really “exercising of power to a malicious extent”, even if the MP intended to disrupt briefing and cause a mutiny.

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It’s neglecting their duty because they’re literally doing the opposite of their job.


Just think of it this way, any crime that an MP commits, whether minor, major, or capital, must also have Neglect of Duty tacked on.

From that point, it is up to the CO/CMP or XO if neither are avaliable, to remove the MP from the role if their pardon or appeal fails.

Either being tasked as a Marine at a random squad, or an enlisted shipside role such as Mess Tech

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It says “this does not upgrade a minor crime”, though, so shouldn’t it apply only to major and capital crimes?


Good question, I do not know.

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This mostly just means that just because an MP commits a minor crime doesn’t mean that you can automatically treat it like a major one because of the required presence of the NoD Charge.

They have to actually do a Major Crime for that. This is relevant for possible demotion versus if it was a major it’s a Given that they can’t be an MP anymore.

It’s just being wordy to avoid being misconstrued.

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