NEON Squad Leads chat

So i taked note of how many of time a good deal of ungas myself included don’t read the comms chatter or miss a order that the SL gives out.

Part of the issue i think is that the comms is many of times filled with junk info and junk comms chatter so in the mid of battle it make it hard to pars what’s being said in a timely manner.

SO i was thinking that maybe having the SLs comms chat be a more neon shade of its squad color will help make it pop out in the mists of the junk info, making the SLs orders be more readly followed as lad will be less likely to miss the orders.

EDIT: credit to detectivegoogle as he reminded me of how little lads check on the comms chatter.

Personally I think that whenever a SL talks, there should be a specific sound que, like “ATTENTION!” but they can only do it every 10 seconds, kind of like broadcasters.

The reason no one reads SL orders is because they are busy fighting so they can’t tell the scrolling text is important or just firing text messages / hurt messages or some other garbage.

On top of it being a different color whenever they “announce” something would be a HUGE QoL change. There’s a reason why, when I am SL, I beg SO’s to use Squad Messages; because it makes a sound AND prints letters right in the middle of the screen so there is no way to miss it, making it the BEST way to get marines to listen.

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Almost feel like there needs to be dedicated chat tabs for specific radio channels, but I’m not sure if that’d actually work well.

Maybe instead if you could have multiple chat tabs open at the same time, horizontal or vertical split.