OT rework

the funny thing is, OT should do… irl OT stuff- that would fix the role, y’know like- repair weapons that are melted by acid… or allow for better customization of weapons and gear… like- modifying spec weapons to allow for more subclases, modying base weapons to allow for more interesting gun play, modifying nades and other explosives to be side-grades to the already existing shells/explosives-


That- is actually a great idea! If somebody sat down to do the work for this the game would get a lot better imo. There’s just so much potential.


The issue with OT, is that it does one thing. It makes explosives, it’s identity is just explosives.
At its core, a rework needs too less so expand on the current concepts held within the role, rather it needs to reform the role entierly. The core issue is not allowing more ways to craft explosives rather- we must look at OT and how it functions compared to the other roles within the game. A lot of what roles do, medical shipside for example elevate the fustrations of players – for example, chemistry allowing deploying medical personal the ability in the game, allowing them to treat more marines in more ways.

So, I prupose this, add to it’s identity. OT, holds a lot of potential we are holding the role back by boiling it down to just the explosives role. One issue that most players have and is a huge fustration for them, is the fact that their guns can be melted, so lets add something to elivate that fustration, through OT. If your weapon is melted, it is out of commission, simple. But OT’s work with guns all the time, so lets expand on weapons and how they are melted. we have different types of acid- let that acid affect the weapon, not remove it. Different stages of weapon damage can be repaired by the OT. The gun can still be taken out of the game, if it suffers enough damage but, the OT can fix the weapon, a body is removed from the front to go to the OT to fix their gun for a period of time. There is still harm being done with weapon damage and taking a marine away from the front, while also attending to fustrations players often feel.

Another fustration that can be elevated through OT? well, gun-play and expanding how the standard issue weapons may work-- giving sidegrades, for example giving the Mk2 more fire-rate but to compinsate it has less accuracy and if that isn’t enough, less damage/AP. We could even expand on this with the modification of munnitions even, custom bullets with different damage/apv values.

we can expand this further-- modifying spec weapons even. For example giving the GL the ability to shoot two nades at once but for a cost its range and fire rate is more limited.

My point is, we are not looking at OT in the wrong lense of not expanding its identity but trying to fix something that shouldn’t be the soul of the role. Having the OT do side-grades of explosives rather than an entire upgrade would be a start, at the least.

I do not fall under the party the role should be entierly removed, it should still tinker with explosievs, but that shouldn’t be its main appeal nor its main focus and identity it should be apart of it, like chemistry for shipside medical- its not the focus but it is apart of the role it is apart of its idenitty, in so far as much as surgery is, and hell research too-- making OT chemicals more, research focused too, for upgrades I am hesitant to be in favour of as that removes the ability for the OT to do its job-- so why not, give the role research, that is tied to the role that can be disconnected from research, but not eniterly (research would have more ways to enhance the explosive butt, the OT can stil hafe a way to make its own powerfull chemical)

I am just spit balling, not all of this is thought heavily through but ya :3



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There aren’t any really big features that can be added without being balance breaking or boring to craft. The core of it being explosives is correct because it’s the fiunniest and most modular aspect it can possibly have with a built-in warning system, but it DOES badly need other stuff (including custom explosive effects - foam, unique shrapnel etc).
Like the body plate integration I proposed in another thread or the gun stuff you mentioned - some kinda oil out of xeno acid blood that would make guns unmeltable or allow attaching a second magazine to the gun via resin, doubling capacity.

I.e Anything that impacts combat should be minor, have no direct effect on the other side’s survivability/gameplay (no antistun, no gigaspeed or dps buffs) unless it’s telegraphed (timers, sound etc, see explosives) and should (usually) require xeno materials so people aren’t decked out first drop. Essentially QOL (storage expansion?), survivability (single use hugger masks?) or some kinda damage prevention buffs (stopping a single bonebreak instance).
Things that you’ll feel good using, (that won’t also turn you into a fragdzilla) but the other side won’t absolutely hate to play against.

Overcomplicated, heavy acid nerf for guns that are balanced around this (anything restricted) and people would just throw regular guns away to get new ones from req instead of bothering.

People will minmax making guns stronger. More dmg to conserve ammo, giga damage off a single burst click or bipod+firerate to unload an entire mag before the xeno can react. It can’t be balanced and would throw all damage expectations out of the window. Already had this with burstfire and quickfire adapters that got removed years ago.