Personal Stat Sheet

It could be cool to have a page where you could see your individual kills, damage done, bullets fired, accuracy, times placed on the “fun facts” board, deaths, etc. Might be a bitch to do but I’d like to see my own stats n stuff.

This will never be reimplemented, we used to have similar stat collection but all it led to was people doing wild shit to improve their K/Ds so they could brag to others.


It’s time for ranked professional competitive CM


3 girl fumbled

4 bans

1000 cheeseburgers

500 cigarettes

800 hours on CM

20 pointless arguments


1 president met

300 plabs said

One moderation app failed

One co app accepted :sunglasses:

4 Xenos killed (damn u suck)


I think a personal stat sheet would be cool, but only if it shows how many hours you have on a particular role.


I think this would be a good addition if it were for support fun facts, not combat since people will start stealing kills, doing more random shit & disobeying XO/CO as an SL to get better stats & brag

Do not forget the Commandant’s daughter.

You gotta be carefull, unless you wanna do another defib fun fact disaster.


understandable about the k/d ratio stuff. however, fun facts would be fun. damage taken, people revived, amount of hp healed as a healer drone, how many times you tried to fire a weapon with no ammo, flares thrown, flares melted. interesting but silly stuff that does not encourage whatever k/d shit happened before i got here

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I agree man. Back in the day, I sound old, you had fun facts for most distance travelled.