Platoons instead of Squads

Dont we have ASL already? Couldnt we just have ASL as a secondary role to que as for the platoons under the SL?

This is a pretty cool idea in theory, but I feel like the amount of cohesion, discipline, commitment to roleplay and holding role standards in general, following orders, communicating effectively, etc. that would be required to make this work is sorely lacked by the community.

I feel like this might work on something like the PvE server, if you have a smaller population, people rolling to fill each role off the bat, and overall a higher leniency towards HRP from all parties. But I think this would add more moving parts to the command structure in the normal game, and make it even harder for marines to carry anything out.

But take it with a grain of salt, I haven’t played too much marine command roles, and I may have misunderstood your initial idea/proposition

It does, PvE follows techmanual platoons pretty well, it’s specifically one section with the vehicle crew (pilot, W/O, driver) and synth missing*, and a medic added.
(technical manual platoon organization drawing)

I dunno how you’d really translate this over to PvP. I think how squads are currently is fine for PvP and changing it wouldn’t really work because you wouldn’t be able to get proper squad cohesion. Could just rename it to platoons and be done with it, though.

*Usually that is, any of the four could be spawned in by the GM. Synth is probably the most common because the APC itself is a fairly big asset to the marines if you have a good driver, so it’s not spawned every time. I think you already know how marines having CAS could affect things, it hasn’t been removed for soft griefing marines after all.


Hmmm, perhaps a limited number of kits could be distributed in req when <X of a particular role are detected? Maybe like, 2 mini medic kits or 2 mini engineer kits (which would also allow for mortar skills) when there’s less than 2 medics/engineers by the 10 minute mark or something.

ARES could give out an announcement, and volunteers could go to req for them.

Maybe that’s too complex, though. Hell, we could just shit out a few stacks of sandbags at whenever (PlayerWho <80) so the aCO can order all the grunts to build FOB (and they’d actually be able to do it.)
Simple, yet effective. And also shittier than having real engineers.

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Balance has never been based on low pop. While it’s something that we have to consider it’s not how we balance it. Changing the squads to be platoons is the best idea out there no one likes how a SGt is in charge of 20 marines it makes no Sence from any point. And I am down to help change the code changing it over and if you need help contact me I will help

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