In every example of the lore, they are meant to be guards of the hive, servant of the queen, and killer of the things drones, warriors, and the like can’t deal with. Praetorians are not just drone with funny quirky dance moves or grenades or whatever.
Make praetorians guard the fucking hive and queen again. I don’t mean babysitting, I mean make them directly responsible if the queen dies
That would be cool. Old prae and strains should get a new name and adjusted sprite, while Queen should get a bodyguard.
But we don’t follow the lore much anyway. Since when Queen goes into combat herself when she “decides” instead of sitting in hive and pumping eggs, because besides her massive size, she doesn’t have any ability, screech is just fucking made up.
Queen guard would make sense if actual Queen became more of a Xeno AI akin to vanilla SS13 AI, while actual Praetorian gets off-ovi Queen’s abilities and can go fight.
That would be a welcome change if Hive location couldn’t be so easly moved, forcing xenos to protect it better.
Would be a cool thing excluding the part where a certain corporation might get angry and huge balance issues since its currently heavily balanced around queen being the main piece for the bugs
Forcing players to guard hive aint fun. There is a reason the ability to free yourself from nests was removed.
If people want to guard the hive thats fine. But you need to give them something to do. Just roleplaying a salt pilar that stands in the hive isnt fun after all for anybody.
Queen has big insetives to stay in the hive, but she has a lot of stuff she can do in the hive.
I do agree its a bit silly that prea are basicly just big spitter or big drone.
But we cant make em stay in hive, and having them be the succescor to the queen would suck.
Hard. Imagine only a T3 could go queen.
well; Technically praetorians are doing their job. The marines arrive to a colony JUST overtaken by xenomorphs. The hive is barely able to form T3 castes and able to fight properly against the marines. With this being said; It is effectively a all hands on station situation for the xenomorphs. 9/10 if the frontline collapses for the xenos its game over for em. Meaning it’s life or death for the hive/queen. Regardless of the distance, the praetorians are protecting queen by fighting on the frontline and helping hive members stay alive.
As I said before, technically, (atleast for the groundside fight anyway) its’ a Delta alert all cards are on the table situation for xenomorphs. Who cares if the guard are deployed or not? Its’ a matter of life or death for the xenomorphs. And a completely crumbled frontline aint gonna help queen with her stomps and slow movement. So the xenomorphs really should be putting EVERYTHING short of queen/king on the frontline.