Rocket2guns - Player Report: Charlie SL Jeannie Taggart(?), Rule 8: Use your Slot
What’s your BYOND key?
Round ID:
Your character name:
Kolton Murphy
Accused BYOND key:
Accused character name:
Charlie SL Jeannie Taggart(?)
What rule(s) were broken?:
Rule 8: Use your Slot
Description of the incident:
This report is for 24544, but this also occurred in round 24543, but I attempted to solve the issue IC during 24544.
Failure to communicate during 24544
Jeannie Taggart as the Charlie SL during round 24544 and 24543. During round 24544, from what I could tell they said two things on squad comms. They announced they had a flamer available, and then later when I asked CIC for control of the squad. After a while they said “hey”.
I was the Charlie FTL. During the deployment on the DS I asked the Charlie SL, in squad comms, what their plan was. There was no reply. Later when comms were up I asked in squad comms to give us coordination, there was no reply. This continued on. Finally, I asked for CIC to give me control of the squad as we had heard nothing from the SL. CIC assigned me as SL, and I issued orders. Sometime later the SL replied “Hey” and CIC reassigned SL to them. I then attempted by walking up to the SL in person asking them to communicate with us, but there was no reply. I also witnessed then while in dchat mag-dumping into a marine standing in front of them, although I suspect this was an accident as there appeared to be no reason for it as it was well behind the front line.
They said nothing during the rest of the round.
Failure to communicate and then ghosting during 24543
I was Charlie FTL during this as well. They did not attend the briefing and simply went on board the DS. They provided no coordination and they appeared to be ignoring the orders from the SO. I had been following the SO issued instructions and ended up some distance away from the SL, along with others in the squad.
Eventually after I had died they went SSD as the SL. They ghosted for so long, the XO actually made a global announcement that the Charlie SL body be cryod to free the slot. However, they woke up after being cryo’d. I observed them in dchat. They walked around the ship for some time, eventually considering deploying although without a weapon.
I was hesitant to make this report as I do understand lack of competency is not a rule break and we should help people learn. I did several times try to communicate IC both face to face and through squad chat but I never received any reply, ever, in either of the rounds. I am concerned that for both rounds the failure of coordination and the taking up of the slot actually affect the round significantly as a whole.
Unfortunately I don’t know how to get the logs after the round as I only decided to make the report after the next round began.
The issue was discussed extensively in OOC with myself and others, including in the OOC portion of the beginning of the next round (24545). There was some concern that there was farming for hours for SO.
I do know Katosx was at comms at the time, and can verify they heard nothing (OOC chat preround 24545):
… after me outlining Charlie SL’s lack of communication
OOC: Katosx: i heard no shit in comms the entire round
OOC: Katosx: and i held comms the entire time