Seasonal Map varients

Very simpel, having varients of maps that are set in diffrent seasons.
Allowing for oveall astehtic adjustments, and changes in the paths.
Like a big nigthmare insert basicly(bad example, still).

I already trashed Steelpoints thread full about me gushing about that.
And before i do that more, i figure i let it out where it should go. Screaming into the eather called Ideasguys.

I just think the idea is cool af, with tons of potential.
Would love to chat with people about it.

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As long it’s realistic just like real life 3 seasons.
spring, summer, fall.
Honestly, winter in cm is just torture with the billionth of clicking snow. If a map was 80/90% building then sure, i would love it personally. Example shivas with 20 xenos you can mostly just clear path bit outside hive and a spot here and there where you hope marines will attack before they land

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