Separation of Working Joe from the Main Synthetic Whitelist

“seperate whitelist?” Goodluck with that happening chief…

Also awful idea. The WL for the boring zzzz automaton job (but it has tight standards and synths do great at that)

Yeah can’t wait till we have the no round impact joes taking all the metal to build fucking lounges and beating marines to death because their mop was stolen. All while using the YOU ALWAYS KNOW A WORKING JOE line off cooldown.


CM players understand that there will not be another fucking whitelist added challenge.


WJ is an event mob that was gifted to synth WL because synths know how to do everything a joe should, are good at following rules, and are good at RPing a robot.

No, I want to be able to at least thrust the joes not to go full LRP softgreif. And on “just jobban the bad ones”, why not make pred unwhitelisted and “just jobban” the people blowing up FOB? Why not unwhitelist COs and “just jobban” the people going on a BE rampage?

I think Un-whitelisting it is a very bad idea but I for one would love to apply for Joe without having to Synth too. I also enjoy the more boring jobs of CM to cooldown after too much groundside tho

Swap to acid goop.


Also what a bold-faced lie, no one applying for the synth WL did so to play a WJ alone.

That is an insane degree of work just so you can occasionally play pre-programmed responses and wait until hijack so you can die in the ARES core.


Preds by their very design teeter on the edge of being a mass grief role. The only thing that keeps them reasonable is the fact that they have to follow not only rules but also the “spirit of the whitelist”. Without that a single pred could ruin an entire round. So obviously the role comes with a lot of responsibility.
CO is similar but also requires competency in command. A bad CO can also singlehandedly ruin a round and BE is another thing that teeters on the edge of griefing if used irresponsibly.
Meanwhile Working Joes walk around the ship cleaning things while occasionally saying the funny voice lines. Sure there’s the potential to troll or be LRP with it but you can troll or be LRP with any role.

I will turn your rhetorical question around on you. If we can’t trust players to play WJs then how can we trust them to play anything? Why don’t we put MP behind a whitelist? Why don’t we put all command roles behind a whitelist? Why don’t we put Queen behind a whitelist? Why not specs too? Those roles all have more responsibility and round impact, and are harder to play than WJ.

I will admit it’s worse for someone to be LRP as a Joe compared to LRP as other roles as it’s more immersion breaking but that feels like the only valid argument as to why it has to be whitelisted to me.


This man has not seen whitelist help and thats okay.

I dont see how the current WL system “Improves” the server.
Lets take a look at the “Standard” of a Whitelist. You want the players to have decent hours and be competent in all support roles… great, acceptable, Ive no issue with that.

You want them to make a unique and believable character… great.

And then you expect a ten paragraph word document as a STANDARD for entry… what?
Ontop of that, youve mentioned yourself people can do everything right but still get denied for a single mistake, after reviewing a bunch of whitelists, accepted and denied, I saw one where a guy did everything right but got denied because he made a single error as a corpsman, thats not WANTING people to join your WL, you can twist it however you want but ultimately the current system is elitist at best. And perhaps the worst of all, if people make said single mistake you lock them out of re-applying for a whole goddamn month. Thats not wanting people to play your thing, thats actively pushing them away and encouraging the people remaining to be the most fall-in-line devoid of personality people the server has.

Theres a reason CM is described as White List hell.


Bro is gonna go mad when he discovers whitelists are supposed to gather an elite of players others can look up to. They’re elitist, we dont take anyone in. If you’re not good enough, get better, ask for help or move along. Or make posts like this I guess idk


To show off your character, this game’s roleplay is very heavily text based, and that makes short stories ideal for showing who they are and what they’d be like.

By who? You? CM only has three whitelists and they’re all relatively niche: CO is XO+; pred is xeno, spec gear, and both side’s RP mashed together; and Synth is just the ultimate support role.

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I could just hire a ghostwriter, and none would tell the difference, nor would it show my skills.


So true, you could also hire a russian hacker to let you access whitelisted roles. The possibilities are endless…


I’m just rebuting the fact that writing a story dosn’t make you an elite, since you could just have someone else do it for you.


I am the platinum joe, with the highest working joe hours on the entire server

Now, I don’t think that WJs should have their own whitelist honestly, it’ll just make everything cursed, I advocate WL abolishment for the most part

I do think though that as it stands it’s fine because no timelock would super perfectly encapsulate it

hazard joes are almost a purely staff role due to the fact you are afk 90% of the round sitting in the core or playing ‘joe dispatch’ if yo uare lucky enough to have other (talkative) joes

normal joes are the superior experience but even as it is the quality of working joes will vary tremendously

some joes will never ever use apollolink to the point that staff issuing orders via ARES will actually demand some to respond or confirm orders only to ignore ares, this has happened more than ten times that I can recall over my hours

as a role it is very very ‘podcast and grill’ 99% of the time, where you do functionally nothing other than cleaning, moving bodies, reception work, or whatever funny npc shit you feel like doing. it is highly romanticized by people who want it, but most will find it is functionally just MT- with less ability to do things and 0 memes permitted

most importantly it is a staff role NOT a whitelist role, people misunderstand that the synthetic whitelist gets access to WJs but it is under the purview of staff and is designed for them to vibe then aghost whenever they need to handle staff without any worry about going afk or it mattering. It took significant lobbying by me and other synths to get synth WL access to it as a role

it’s complicated, I can see why there would be hesitation in opening it up, but it isn’t a WL role it’s a staff role


Then you played the system this time. Well done. It’s just that though, an exception. Robbing banks is bad but gives money, not everyone rob banks though. Cheating on apps is bad but lets you in, not everyone cheat on apps also.

No system is infaillible so it’s not because you found a flaw in it that suddenly it doesn’t work. Whitelists work. Agree to disagree. Unless you got stats or evidence people are paying ghost writers.


“Well the math test doesn’t prove that I know math, because I can cheat”

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I actually love that the fact of people asking “can I apply just to be a Working Joe and not a Synth?” is not an uncommon question in the whitelist-app-help channel on discord. So many people are fascinated with the Working Joe concept and I don’t blame them, it’s great roleplay, fun and every single round I have seen or interacted with a Joe has elevated it.

But there is probably a very good reason why Working Joe elevate rounds and are always memorable. They are always played by players who are among the best/highest roleplayers in the server and are governed/moderated by the strictest whitelist council by far. I honestly think it should stay this way despite it obviously would be really fun if there were more Joes running around. The high roleplay, discipline and mechanical knowledge of the players who actually take the time to apply for Synthetic, get approved and then run around as Joe is honestly something that should be looked at more and appreciated.