sgtdevel - Sticky Ban Appeal
What’s your BYOND key?
Character Name?
Marsha "Punga’ Aegir
Type of Ban?
Sticky Ban
What is your Bancode?
Admin who banned you?
Total Ban Duration
Remaining Duration
What other servers do you play on?
None anymore.
Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?
Yogstation Permanently
Paradise, Permanently
Terragov, Permanently
Do you play using a Virtual Machine?
is your copy of Windows legitimate?
Reason for Ban:
Community ban
Links to previous appeals:
Your appeal:
I think this is because of the terragov ban somehow triggering this? or at least something to do with the yogstation community ban. I understand where I am wrong and I just wish to enjoy and play a fun well balanced gameplay of marine here. I enjoyed playing here a lot when I did and I think over time I have grown and matured even more. I wish to hopefully just enjoy playing the game.