Should MST (increase speed chem) have an increase melee damage?

Since MST stimulates your muscles, granting you fast speed. I found it Odd that it doesn’t increase your melee damage. i figure it would be a nice feature for Ungas doing an ACTUAL bayonet push with these. although not making it TOO strong of course

or increase melee speed attacks. everyone thinks that too op right?

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As stims are right now they really do not need a buff. Good idea for increased melee damage but its not necessary in the slightest. Definitely no attack speed buff either. That’s just asking for trouble.

its a neat feature to have. doesnt need to be too high of a damage. but if it SOMEHOW makes a rare bayonet charge works? i’d take it. it not necessary but its a nice thing to have

Young Defender capping me but I hit it with my m39 magharn bayo with MST10 for 200 dmg per tick (:


end your foe swiftly, samurai!!!

No, stims do not need buffs.

Also you can still kill xenos with meele, you just gotta soften them up with bullets first

ya no stims don’t really need this… that being said maybe you can have having ODing on MST give better melee damage. That way you have heart break bayonet charges lol.

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