I don’t have as much time to dedicate to making a PR and polishing it before seeing what people think, so I want to put out a feeler on this one:
**Splint durability. ** Should it be increased or stay the same?
I ask because it appears to me as though so little as a rav’s bone explosion attack (where he shoots bones out in all directions and embeds shrapnel into everyone it hits) seems to be enough to destroy all your splints.
I used to think it was only acid attacks, or a few melee attacks, but it seems that perhaps semi-recently, splints seemed to break if you so much as looked at them the wrong way.
Now a frac does more or less disable a soldier unless he spends about 10~15 seconds applying one to himself, or getting another marine to put one on him. If he moves though, he’s likely to get IB and require a medic to spend about 45 seconds fixing his IB and applying a splint, including removing armor, and dosing painkillers.
If splints should have increased durability, to what degree should they be “durable?”
A splint should naturally not last forever, but does the wider community think that if they should be made more durable, should it be that they’re only durable enough to break at the first claw swipe/requirement to “resist” and roll when covered in acid?
Or should they be closer to almost what is needed to cause a frac?
Curious to others’ thoughts as it seems like I go through splints as soon as a xeno so much as enters my zip code.
Its because its free, infinite due time and inconsequential to die as a lesser. You’re not putting your fun at risk by getting a lesser and tap dancing in between 8 marines that most likely will shoot each other barring the SG. So yes, I agree with @Pablo_Excavator. Fuck lessers.
Spawn as PFC and ask research to make nanosplints, 95% of the time they will say no. Same with ceramic plates. Same with… basically everything that isn’t cringestims, really.
De jure, yes nanosplints are great and an amazing addition
De facto, nanosplints effectively do not exist in regular gameplay
No one is entitled to not have their fun interrupted, marines can already get revived an effectively infinite number of times unless they lose positioning. Although I do agree that lesser drones should be removed from the game instead of making them a chore to play with the constant series of nerfs.
I’ll cheerfully agree and disagree with you here. It depends on the researcher. If you come by, I’ll happily give you better splints or a plate if I have the biomass. The limiters are: plates don’t decrease in cost and sometimes other researchers will get upset if I do so. Also, the logistics of getting the goodies to the FOB or frontline depend on Req or the DP/DCC after a certain point.
My researcher is Diana ‘Spite’ Buckley btw. Feel free to swing by. Just be polite.
Yeah it depends on the researcher- Unfortunately, 95% of researchers are godstim obsessed mad scientists
People like you are in the strict minority, from my experience.
they might call it MRP, but it is always TDM. Stimms vs freely available nanosplints out of a vendor or even costing points? sure, nanos win by a slight margin. Stimms win out without other considerations