XM88’s ok, I found it best used as a Fireteam Lead with an NVG optic, macro to lock facing, and scope - save the shots until you see some xeno retreating from too much damage, then lock facing scope in and try to pick them off, but it’s really difficult with how often people run in front of you.
M4RA is a slightly better Mk2 if you land like 90% of your shots. Which you won’t which is why the Mk2 is better. Probably the best thing you can do with it is get a smartscope and embed in the middle of a murderball and just cover people. The added IFF damage helps when you’re in caves too.
If you are clicking rapidly, or only fire for a few seconds before releasing the fire button and rapidly pressing it again, you’ll retain zero/low scatter for the gun.
MK2 is the generally the best in most situations. The MK1 is great, but it’s accuracy starts to fall off pretty fast. Not that you should be firing at great ranges with it, you’re meant to put a magharness + masterkey shotgun on it and unga hard.
Breaching shotgun is SS tier
Flare gun is a primary weapon if you know how to use it, FF free assured igniting of xenos is crazy good and will make all boiler mains want to die