Survivors have had it too good for too long. RIP all flame related items for survs.
Edit: Don’t go flaming on the PR on github. Make a PR feedback or comment somewhere else (like here <3).
Survivors have had it too good for too long. RIP all flame related items for survs.
Edit: Don’t go flaming on the PR on github. Make a PR feedback or comment somewhere else (like here <3).
Least obvious xeno main PR
Incredibly strange PR. “More about surviving than rushing” is a nonsense statement. On every map you have to rush loot to survive unless you have an engineer or its NV. And even then if they hive really wants you they can always get you if the Queen decides to show up.
Unless they’re talking about trying to limit survivors roaming and hunting xenos, in which case, if you can’t kill or capture a lone or small group of survivors outside of cover I’m not really sure what to tell you.
If Xenos can kill and capture the UPP and PMC inserts who get better weapons or FORECON who have USCM gear if they proper rush or call down a supply drop I’m not really sure making civi survs have worse gear is going to change anything but make them even more at the mercy of the hive in which case, what’s the point of survivor if you have no chance?
So for those who didn’t read the nitty gritty. the PR mostly only removes flamers, flame adjacent weaponry, and NVGs. There are some merc shotties and such, but thats about it.
Also nerfing mollies of course.
its not over yet ill just find other shit to use to make xenos even more mad lol
Of course remove the literal only reason survivors even have a slim chance of surviving on certain maps, and other bizarre changes like removing the mining loot on Solaris, which is melted instantly always.
Tell me, how does one deal with a Steelcrest Defender without any AP or flames? Like it’s literally invincible, are you that clueless?
Also are people that clueless about the actual survivor survival statistics that they think survivors need nerfing even more? This is a purely biased and an unfair nerf to something they have no understanding of.
Only real issue here is the nerf to fire availability and molotov damage, if it doesn’t do enough damage to deter defenders that curl up then surv holds aren’t going to make it. You can live without thermals and some other solid gear but fire is really really important.
Either m240s with welding fuel, underbarrel flamers or molotovs, one of these is needed thats reasonably accessable. Unless we adjust defenders? Not sure if thats what we’d want either but something needs to be accounted for because buckshot PBing the 60 armour curled up defender doesn’t usually go well, not sure there’s a lot of AP either besides the odd VP and some mod88s on some maps. Not sure if they’re reliable enough, it’d have to be tested. If you’ve got any combat tips for fighting curled up defenders I’m all ears. Before its mentioned melee is real risky too since defender headbut and all.
If you’re not careful you’ll end up with hide and seek gameplay rather then surv vs xeno combat which I’m not sure is what we want. Its a real delicate balance already.
The one i find oddest is the removal of lunge mines.
like how many survivors do you see suiciding against xenos with lunge mines? i don’t think i’ve ever seen that.
And how’s it even good equipment it’s just a meme weapon it literally kills both the user and the enemy.
I think it’s important to consider that the xenos need to have more fun than you do. You are a background character, there for them to kill. This has always been the design of survivor. Thank you.
Yeah but this nerf aint it, chief.
Giving xenos roundstart burrowed per survivor to incentivize taking risks against survs, making all survivors guaranteed two bursts if captured, idk there is so many better paths than to just remove the only viable strategy survivors have to even mid tier xenos.
You really think Xenos enjoy just instantly disposing of survivors and afking for 15 minutes?
The only thing I’m really surprised at, is how there is more people liking the PR, than disliking it. Personally, I love the molly and NVG nerfs, as they are a litteral pain. The rest I can’t be bothered to care about as I neither go surv much anymore, nor do I go defender.
so obvious ong…
another xenocord nerf PR cause they hate marines and survs and wanna nerf them into the ground so they can powerfantasymaxx
Of course, because survivors are a minority/underdogs of CM. There’s a lot of salty Xeno players who have grown to hate them over the years, died too many times to them or something, it’s sad.
oh how the tables have turned, the shoe is on the other foot.
But seriously, I just thought it was a neat thing since the ones against it are so very loud, while the ones with just go by with their day.
I just think that booze vendors should be nerfed (Since they’re essentially infinite for the time period you need them). Loot is fine, dedicated spitters can break any hold even if survs have good weapons.
They’re not infinite, and you’re really limited on how much paper you have rather then booze.
Depends on what your paper holder. The paper bins hold like, 30? and the alcohol vendor holds about 40-45 usable ones? If you are lucky, you get the ID cabinet which has as many papers as there are human players.
But still, it is probably the crutchiest, most unfun thing to deal with when fighting survivors.
I mean if this is the direction maintainers want, then give Survivors proper loadouts. Not 20 metal, tricord pills, and a dream. But more inserts like PMC’s, UPP, etc. but beefed up so they can roam at least until xenos get coordinated and push.
Otherwise you might as well remove survivors since ur just trolling them with PR’s like this.
At this point we should just get xenos +5 larvas, delete survs on roundstart and have the balls to admit that xenos cried so fucking hard that we as a community were obligated to remove an entire faction.