There aren't any available xenomorphs or burrowed larvae.

Again as I explained in this topic, you aren’t “assigned” a position, nor is someone bumping you out of line.

Every time the core ticks and when a larva bursts, every observer is checked whether they are in that current moment a valid xeno candidate (not afk, etc) and added to a list. That list is then sorted by their time of death. The player that is at the top of that list is offered the larva. Every other player is then given a message telling them their index number (minus 1 because we just gave a larva to the first player in the list).

Say for example Player A died at 00:30, player B died at 00:45, and player C died at 01:00.

Now lets say a larva bursts and players A & C are currently valid xeno candidates (and player B either went afk or temporarily turned off xeno candidancy): Player A is given the larva, player B is sent nothing, player C is told they are now 1st in the queue.

Now lets say another larva bursts and players B & C are both currently valid xeno candidates: Player B is given the larva (they have an older time of death than C), and player C is told they are now 1st in the queue.

Players are constantly going afk, disconnecting, reconnecting, etc. so that is why the number is fluid.

If say it accounted for all the afk/disconnected etc players the number would be meaningless:

Say there’s 50 players at round start. Round starts and an hour later 50 people have died and every single one of them rage-quit/afk/xeno-candidacy-off but there’s been now 50 late joins wanting to play xeno (so a total of 100 players have connected this round). This would mean the next xeno candidate would be 50th in queue, but they are at the head of the line since they are the first person thats a valid xeno candidate (but techinically any of those 50 other people could be ahead of them).

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