Tinyhippo07 - Whitelist Report: Michael ‘Ponyboy’ Calhoun , battlefield execution
What’s your BYOND key?
Round ID:
Your character name:
shinto ‘bushido’ hatomoto
Accused BYOND key:
Michael ‘Ponyboy’ Calhoun
Accused character name:
Michael ‘Ponyboy’ Calhoun
What rule(s) were broken?:
battlefield execution
Whitelist in question:
Commanding Officer
Description of the incident:
at the briefing hall waiting for every one to get in and listen for the CO. everyone was goofin off in the mean time as brief had not started. i did not see in chat that CO wanted me to take a sit. and after about 1 minute or so maybe abit longer i get grabbed and battlefield executed over it. the only other thing the CO said to me in particular was a RP moment cause i used /me and made a fart.
either way i got BE for just not sitting in a chair or making a fart noise. was completely taken out of the round cause of it, sucked even more cause i was SL for the round. the BE was completely excessive and uncalled for even with the leniency given to it
I am Amira Young and the XO for the round and from round start there was a “gang war” rivarly between Charlie and Delta.
First of all, I got reports of shootings between Charlie and Delta, then someone naded a briefing door open, and then we got Charlie and Delta chairing each other and insulting one another openly in Briefing to the point that MP’s get involved.
And then the MP’s start getting chaired and assaulted by multiple people in Charlie AND Delta.
We had to use the AoE flasher in Briefing 2-3 times and it still didn’t calm anything down, and I entered the fray to flash a few people such as a Charlie medic I believe, to stop them from attacking each other and the MP’s.
Afterwards, more insults went flying, and the CO (Calhoun) stepped in to figure out whats happening and to calm everything down. At this point there was proper escalation for the CO to use a Battlefield Execution as both sides had gone out of hand and were causing trouble before briefing excessively.
With your battlefield execution, everyone stopped being an idiot, which allowed us to have a proper briefing and deployment, and while there was some shenanigans afterwards, they were nothing as serious as before a BE was administered. Frankly if I didn’t have the CO helping me this round, there would be nothing I could do to settle you guys down.
Maybe do not act like an idiot as a SL infront of your Commander when there is rioting going around and you will not get BE’d? That is all I have to add to this case. I may or may not have left out certain things but there was so much dumbassery that round that I cannot be expected to remember it all.
To give the full picture of what happened: Delta and Charlie were taking part in what I can only describe as a gang war where shots were being fired, people beaten, insults and obscenities being thrown on comms, and multiple people being arrested.
I had gone to the briefing room where the majority of this was happening alongside multiple MPs to try and break up the fighting and allow them to arrest the people they had marked. Towards the beginning of the brawl that broke out I pointed at you and ordered you by name to remain seated and not interfere - which you did for the most part. During the brawl I issued multiple orders via comms, in person, and via the megaphone to those around to knock it off and ultimately stated that it was the final warning to do so.
I had to flash the entire briefing room multiple times and gave several more chances to people to knock off the chaos even after stating I had given my final warning. After the MPs had left you decided to go over to Charlie Squad and attempt to strip one of the marines there, at which point I pointed at you and ordered you to knock it off and sit down. You did not. I warned you a second time. You still did not stop. At that point I BE’d you for refusing to follow orders after several warnings and being generally LRP.
You were witness to the entirity of the briefing shenanigans going on and you chose to try and reignite them after they had finally started to stop. That’s why you were BE’d.
dude i was literally just standing in front of a charlie marine. i didnt even do anything of that shit you describe and had not hand in doing anything to the MPs. so you what you are saying is that i was randomly grabbed and made example of even though the worst i did was make a fart noise, and make 2 attempted at disarming a charlie marine for funsies.
that is not right to remove anyone from a FULL ROUND because MPs suck and the CO cant maintain order without offing a marine WHO DIDNT EVEN FUCK WITH THE MPS OR CAUSE THE HAVOC YOU JUST MENTIONED my guy
i iterally stated i didnt see your message and before i had time to even look at chat logs to see your orders i was killed. i wasnt even given a chance to correct anything for MYSELF AND ONLY MYSELF cause chat moved so fast.
what? i wasnt trying to do anything of the sort. you guys are really reaching for excuses here. i literally and you can check chat logs of the round. was not doing anything of the sort to fuck with any of the “gang war” crap you are going on about. if yall are not going to do anything just say so and close this thread
I was Charlie SL. When I woke up, delta was firing into our cryobay almost hitting and injuring us. We got geared up, in response I told squad to get ready for a fight at briefing and to look out for the shooter.
We get to briefing, only hostilities between two squads at this point is firing into prep and just a lot of yelling over comms. I ask Delta SL over comms multiple times about what was happening, I and my squad am ignored by him on general and command comms.
Charlie marines and I get involved in a small MP tussle over something unrelated, two of our marines say they’re being arrested without cause, I try to get MPs to explain the arrest, but it ends up turning into a shove fight with the other marines. CO got everyone to let the MPs do the arrest after raising his Mateba.
After this, briefing was 100% chill, everyone was ready to listen to brief. Keep in mind, no phyiscal hostilities were exchanged between Delta and it was just the usual squad hating squad on comms channels.
Delta SL comes over to our squad, tries to strip a marine, I step in, marine intent pushes the SL off of him, SL comes back, walks to his charachter and faces him clearly attempting to do it again, CO tells him to knock it off, he’s still there trying to antagonize the marine, and CO shoots him.
Delta SL tried to re-stir gang war after it stopped, and re-ignite a fight that never happened and got shot for it from what I know and saw.
its excessive because you could have an MP get it to stop, or flash again. once more, i literally had no idea what the fuck was going on with the gang war bullshit. shots popped off in cryo and i was busy doing my normal routine of getting ready. all your messages where going now where becuase i didnt even have a headset on yet. every thing that you mentioned doing as charlie SL i had no clue of. everything going on in breif was confusing as fuck for me and i only figured everyone was just fucking around since i showed up and was present after the initial flash which did not even effect me. i have you tossing insults, and the marine i was disarming as a goof was in response to him saying he was previously disarmed once or some such by a delta. nothing even began to phase in to chat for me, and you cant expect me to have my eyes 100% GLUED to and constantly sifting through chat to figure shit out as its developing.
you had other options and took the worst one, and thats why its getting reported
The Council has determined this BE is valid. Here’s why:
The reporter had been persistently harassing the CO during the briefing, shouting profane stuff over the megaphone and disrupting the briefing significantly overall.
The CO is within their complete rights to BE people for LRP; that’s why the CO, in this case, announced they BE’d for “actions befitting insanity”. The reporter demonstrated clear LRP behavior in this case, so action was warranted.
No action will be taken against Calhoun, the reported party, in this case. This report is denied.