Trying to build Resin Spikes while at the build limit should replace already existing ones.

Currently, once you reach the build limit for Resin Spikes and try to build more, you find that you have to go on a manhunt and manually destroy the ones you’ve already placed. This is a major inconvenience and I believe this is one of the main reasons why we see so few of them ever being built. The change I proposed would make them act like Resin Fruits do, and make builders’ lives easier.

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Why is there even a limit though, not like they are that strong


Because you can make a fuck ton of them if they weren’t limited, not sure why sticky resin doesn’t have a limit.


because it takes like 20 minutes to put sticky resin everywhere, and about 5 seconds with a mortar/CAS/OB/Pyro.

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Isn’t there a clear resin buildings or something like that in alien tab or is it only working for acid pillar?

There is, but it destroys every single spike I am pretty sure