maybe cutting a nest with your knife or machete gets you some “tough goop” that you can apply on hairline fractured limbs to heal them over the course of 5-10 minutes, and otherwise will stabilize limbs like a fracture, but they don’t stack and will eventually fall away.
The resin nest goop is apparantly tough enough to completely arrest a person in the middle of a convulsion from bursting, this shit must be good for something
Its actually a very cool idea to have marines able to harvest from xenos.
Honestly, this could be a great addition to greenos as well.
Allowing research to creat a hive not for battle, but to culture and harvest from.
Getting very strong meds from them akin to stims.
Now that i think about it… @kiVts . This guy is onto something.
Migth fit into your grand plan for research.
this should be pretty hard to get, I mean memetainers could remove the bone mending property since greeno’s aren’t that common and you’ll have to get through the alliance stuff.
That surely brings to attention the idea of marines being able to somehow scavenge the most basic supplies from recently xeno occupied territory, bandage equivalents, ointment equivalents, food…