It’s a necessary change, they’re making a big fuss because I’m changing the Meta
Welcome to the community, Muichiroalves!!!
… Also it’s because they’re yellow colored.
Yellow is engineer coded. How no one has mentioned this yet is beyond me. But, yellow is always engineer coded and so commtech players all gravitate there because it vibes with the SS13 yellow engineer aesthetic.
Remember, this game is still an SS13 offshoot.
y even reply to my post if ur not gonna try to understand it. Well at least I don’t have to put effort into another one.
other reasons are in other posts bravo just does fob because they want to and its just trolling them to not let them do it
Continuing with ‘‘Bravo always FOB!!!’’ will not change the discussion.
And as you said, if they ‘‘want’’ FOB duty, what should you do when another squad wants FOB duty? Should I just ignore it?
Mui posted to get validation because they failed to garner any support in LRC after they put Delta on FOB in NV, they said the SAME points, got replied the SAME way as they did in LRC, and still refuse to acknowledge any of the points that were stated in LRC (hint: they were the EXACT SAME ONES everyone in this thread are stating).
Round 26194 is the ID if you want to find the LRC and read.
TL;DR you already got your answers ages ago, Mui, and posting on the forums is not going to get you a different one because those same people in Discord also know the forums exist. If you want to keep your head in the sand and keep being the way you are, then just do it, stop seeking validation. Own up to it like Bill Carson and Bob Cross.
If you can find a round, where the majority of either alpha, charlie or delta, wants to FOB, then you are very much allowed to let them.
Problem is. That is never going to happen, since everyone who wants to fob is already in Bravo.
if you want to assign a squad other than bravo to fob for reasons? do it. if people complain, either fix it, or say fuck em and do it anyways, either be the heel or be the liked CO, the choice is simple
Good Point, But that’s not valid for saying gratuitous hate to people who want to change. All squads can do the same job, what makes Bravo so special? When I question this, a legion of hateful monsters appears spreading gratuitous hatred for anyone trying to change things. Try using words instead of just swearing.
All squads can do FOB, they Just need try
imagine readying to do a role and being told you can’t do it at all and instead must die in caves, that is equiv of what readying for bravo/delta is to all real perspectives. Or being told that instead of going to the caves you must afk behind cades, it’s not good
You can still as a bravoid just leave the FOB and go to the front like 80% of the squad does besides commtechs if you so wish or fob as any other squad
hot take, but with the current squad culture. I kind of like it a lot.
Alpha, being a mix bag of new and old players that stick to each other like glue.
Bravo, full of old boomer fob builders
Charlie, full of support mains, mainly doing comms duty - the best squad for general cohesion even if most of them are unrobust as hell
delta - kill.
I’d honestly recomend maintainers to take this concept of squads doing specific jobs and build on it.
It is seen as malicious behavior by a majority of people. It’s a small community and people care (sometimes too much) when their time is wasted, because they are real people too and it’s kinda pointless and disrespectful.
Maybe you’re right that people should try fob out, but there really isn’t a lot there to try. It really is just either an enjoy it or you don’t sort of thing IMO. Some people just don’t have the energy, ping, etc. to frontline and that’s fine. Some people don’t care for frontline gameplay and just want to rp. Some people just can’t stand sitting in FOB doing nothing for an hour or two.
Realistically, a better option that might entice frontline squads like Alpha and Charlie more, is backline duty, which is also a bravo sort of task.
Alongside this, if someone isn’t feeling up for frontline duty they are fully capable of just sitting in fob even if they aren’t bravo. Noone really minds.
Okay here’s my question. Why do you “need” to challenge the status quo?
How would you say this is a positive change, by ending the bravo fob culture?
And finally this will never apply to me. Riflemen aren’t required to follow the CO/XO’s orders, and sitting in fob until my team either wins (wipes the xenos while I patrol fob for 1-2 hours) or my team loses and I can finally shoot bugs. Doing fob isn’t fun for me, and for the people who it is fun for: they’re in bravo! if it isn’t broke don’t fix it
There’s also another note. Apparently devs are doing away with barricades altogether. So Bravo is going to change nonetheless.
you…take that back
Funny how you told him to take it back, but not that he was wrong…
Bravo Always staying at the FOB limits the tactical diversity of the game, Other Squads like Delta, Charlie and Alpha can do the same work of building and securing the FOB, and with that, making the game more dynamic instead of something Predictable (which possibly creates more possibilities for actions and reactions). I accidentally fell into the Bravo squad as Comtech, everyone expects me to build the FOB, and this limits players with a mentality like “I can’t go on the front line, everyone wants and expects me to stay at the FOB”
Games and their communities always evolve. I deeply understand and respect the culture and traditions that have formed around Bravo Squad especially the role as the primary defensive force at the FOB. However, I believe that evolving it a little can bring more variety and depth to the game without necessarily destroying what is essential for Roleplay.
Bravo’s “Culture” Always being responsible for the FOB seems to be a tradition but, in reality, it is a repetition that can end up making the game monotonous.
It’s not about forcing something that players don’t want, but about making the experience more diverse. It’s not about destroying the essence of the game, but about sometimes repeating the same format can make the game less exciting for those who are already playing accustomed.
And about “forcing another Squad to FOB duty is being toxic” You can always go to the front line (90% of the riflemen I see are on the front line helping) We are all trying to have fun, a Restricted View that is focused on the Meta/Fear of something changing for the worse is not helpful
There is always a ‘‘metapick’’ of LZs on certain maps, Example:
Solaris? North LZ because there are more chances of winning
Shivas Snowball? Same thing, LZ north because there are more chances of winning
Chances? Southwest LZ because there are more chances of winning
And in my opinion this is really bad for the game (we are talking about a game about MRP with aliens) But try to change things a little, seriously
I hate fob duty, if you assign me fob duty, I will either do a shit job, or not do it. If i wanted to be on fob duty i would have rolled bravo. Even if i am ct i am not doing fob. I can play cm 1-2 times per day and I am not spending it all to not have fun. There are people who like it, I don’t.
How so? You have 4 squads, you will always have 1 on FOB. Why would putting a different squad on FOB increase the ‘tactical diversity’ of the game? Would slapping Delta on FOB suddenly open up an incredible option I can use against the xenomorphs, or is the outcome still the same, but worse? Your frontline troops are now stuck on FOB, while your more backline-orientated players are now running around on the front. You still have the same amount of manpower available for pushing, except your force is now less capable.
I intentionally rolled for Delta squad as SL, wanting to help spearhead the push. However, now everyone expects me to build the FOB because of the XO, and this limits me with a mentality like “Damn. Well, this sucks. The role I wanted to play has now been taken away, and I’m forced to do something else I don’t want to do.”
You aren’t curing this problem by forcing others into FOB, you’re just transferring the burden onto others, except this time the problem is two-fold, because the people who WANTED to do FOB are now forced out.
Regardless of whether your focus is or isn’t on ‘not forcing people to do something they don’t want’, the facts are that your actions ARE forcing people into roles they don’t want. I get you want to make the game more fun in your own way, but the reality is that the people accustomed to the game (I.e. the people in this thread, and in LRC) find your changes to be less exciting. Bravo being on eternal FOB duty is fine, and people like the status quo. I don’t find the game more interesting when suddenly I’m on frontline duty when I wanted to sit on FOB.
Saying that your orders basically don’t matter anyways ‘because people can just disobey them and do whatever’ is true… for the people who are legally allowed to disobey. You’re not taking into account the fact that anyone who isn’t a RFN, and especially SG+Spec+FTL+SL/aSL do NOT have this luxury.
Trying to downplay the negative impacts by saying people can just choose to not follow them is simply untrue for a solid 30% of the squad.
Yes, we are all trying to have fun. Some people come back from work exhausted and only have time for one or two rounds. Going off-meta tends to get people killed and round-removed, whether it be waiting for 2 hours in the larva queue or just being perma as marine. Proclaiming “I am going to change the game for the better so everyone has more fun”, only to get Mr 1-CM-round-a-day killed, or making him spend his entire frontline SL roll sitting on FOB is a massive ‘F-U’ to that person.
Most rounds follow roughly the same formula BECAUSE it maximises fun for everyone. People who want to sit on FOB actually get to do what they want. People who frontline get to frontline. The XO chooses the optimal strategy for the situation, that way they make sure as many of the players on their team stay alive, and therefore keep playing the game.
This is effectively a permadeath game with rounds that last hours. In most games, winning is not the same as having fun- After all, throughout that ENTIRE match, you were playing the game- Every time you die, you just respawn or wait 5 minutes for the match to end.
This is CM. Once you die for sure, you’re dead and must wait a very long time to get the chance to play the game again. In CM, a team wins only when the enemy has effectively lost all of it’s players. Winning means more of your players are playing the game (not dead), and therefore having fun. Losing means most of your players are NOT playing the game (dead), and therefore NOT having fun.
This is why in CM, winning and following the meta are directly tied to how much fun people have overall.
So when an XO deliberately chooses un-meta strategies that increase everyone’s odds of getting killed, the un-meta strategy better be a damn fun one, like hiding in the grass to disguise everyone as snakes, only to ambush any curious bug.
If you want to make things more fun, this is not the way to do it. It’s obvious that a significant portion of people find it to be at best, not much different, or at worst, a slap in the face.
Yes, we are all here to have fun. So why make the round… less fun by doing this?
JJ if Bravo needed me back that badly you coulda just PM’d me.
Bravo is FOB because it seems to be the default for those whose preferred squads are full. 70% go full ACD instead of FOBing but it’s whatever. Let the young guns shoot. I do get a good laugh at seeing an Alpha, Charlie, or Delta FOB with one engi
Yet they don’t want to. Marines aren’t an average RTS units that can stand still for 3 hours without complaining. They’re people
Making your XO experience more diverse is fine, but not at the expense of others. Even then, ungaloids can forgive griefing as long as it’s “fun bad”, not “boring bad”
Forcing players to “,abcd charge!!!” with machete is fun. Paradrop into hive is fun. Lying in the grass for an hour because “CLF won’t see that coming, trust me!” is fun. Dragging Alpha/Delta SL, kicking and screaming, into FOB is not