Woundedwafflez - Timed Ban Appeal
What’s your BYOND key?
Character Name?
Lance Cartwright
Type of Ban?
Timed Ban
What is your Bancode?
Admin who banned you?
Total Ban Duration
One day
Remaining Duration
23 hours.
What other servers do you play on?
Really just CM now, honestly.
Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?
God I don’t know, nothing that’s probably still around.
Do you play using a Virtual Machine?
is your copy of Windows legitimate?
Reason for Ban:
Banned by host: Reason: Rule 3 Player is generally being excessively and unnecessarily toxic towards other players. Despite receiving two warnings for the same reason, they continue. Due to the player not taking the warnings seriously, and the continued toxicity, I am escalating this to a server ban.
Links to previous appeals:
(I left my VPN on like a dork.)
Your appeal:
Truth be told, I don’t expect this appeal to be accepted. After all, it’s a single day ban, (boo-hoo me). Previously, I had two admins (SmellyHippy) and another which I forget the name of which began with an F, Fettis, Faetellis? Something along those lines, who reached out to me for toxicity. I will make no attempts to defend the previous behavior, on which specific insults and jokes could have made players uncomfortable, and I was asked to stop and noted for such. Truth be told? Their patience was bountiful and I have nothing but positive things to say about my interaction with the both of them, my actions were stupid and the notes themselves were warranted. I was specifically told by the admin of my other note that, ‘Your character can still be pig-headed and stubborn, but you can’t say those particular things.’ Which is understandable, those actions I have since stopped.
However, I am most definitely a bit of a goofball. I still continued using my character as said pig-headed vessel for insults (within the confines of what was previously listed of what I can’t say, completely understandable once again.) and general tomfoolery. Whether it be getting into arguments with the Squad-Leader for not taking a radio backpack, or occasionally shoving people over for being in my way or for whatever inane reason I can think of for escalation. (Though, I usually help the person back up afterwards.) However, I was banned by Netty for ‘disarming people and insults.’ As they were following me for the last two rounds. I made a new player do pushups for- I think wearing a heat absorbent coif on LV-624, claiming it was ‘Too hot’ and generally pulling rank to be a bully, but also in LOOC said specifically, ‘Maan I feel bad-’ and teaching them how to unfold the stock of their M41A. Of course, along with other petty insults or whatever else I could do in character to be a confrontational, or as stated before, pig-headed and stubborn.
I believe this has no correlation with the previous two notes, and would mostly like to use this as a vessel to state that the two previous notes involved me toning down the more egregious jokes and insults, to which I did, no longer doing anything that would go over the line on a personal level, sticking to disarm intent and lower-levels of tomfoolery. My intention isn’t to completely ruin anybody’s experience, it’s to add variety and play something different and entertaining to myself. Whether my character be something you hate, find funny, or annoying is completely understandable. In fact, if you wish to throw me in the brig for insulting a senior officer? You are well within your right to do so, in Marine Law. I am more than happy to have spend my round in a brig, or even shot in the head for my actions of tomfoolery.
But I believe this ban has nothing to do with the two, previous notes, and to say that I’m not taking the warnings seriously is completely false. I was asked to stop specific behavior, which I did, and was never told that I can’t shove people over, (To which I never do in combat.) or insult them in-character, stubborn, pig-headed, et-cetera. I was even specifically told so by the admin of the last note, that such a thing is fine as long as I tone down specific parts of my antagonistic behavior and choice of vocabulary. I would most definitely like to refute the claim that I am, ‘abusing the goodwill of the admin team.’ As the reason I’m kind and cordial OOC, is for the fact that my goal isn’t to antagonize players outside of my character. If I wanted to be a troll? I would antagonize the admins and attempt to get reactions or a rise out of them, in some vain attempt to make them angry or to insult them, but that isn’t my goal.
But no, I’m too tired for that kind of stuff. I just want to play an asshole character and be a normal human being outside of it. If this ban was specifically for the prior notes, “You can’t say things so crude in your insults.” Then the ban would be justified, truthfully? Even light, but to say that I have made zero attempts at curbing my behavior and to take advantage of the admin team is completely false when it was never specifically stated that I could not, ‘Shove people or insult them.’ And instead was told to stop specific behavior of using certain terms or otherwise, to which I did.
I do not expect any action to be taken, or my ban to be lifted, given that it’s only a day, after all, but this is moreso a statement that I am more than willing to listen and respectfully communicate with the moderation team, and if such actions and punishments are warranted, I understand, but I do not believe this one to be, as it’s completely irrelevant to the previous notes. I am not specifically targeting Netty for giving me a ban, nor do I wish any ill-will, but I found their behavior odd and their demeanor more standoffish or personal.
If anything, I would like to use this time to commend SmellyHippie and (That one guy, his name starts with an F. Faetellis? Fetellis- I’m so sorry.) For their respectful and professional demeanor during their notes.