i am a good person
Maybe you are… but your cabal?
i dont even know what that is the gods agree with me
This has been fact checked by The Colonial Marines Ministry of Truth.
@Hellware is part of the shadow council. Do not question his authority.
You’re Silver, Herr Duke.
There is no need to worry. You will no longer have to bear the burden of councilorship.
I will take care of everything.
I have doubts about the thread topic, its subject, and the duke voluntarily granting his assent to previous objects mentioned.
You are woefully uninformed. The mere color of my badge did not grant me a seat on shadow council. Go back to kindergarten.
I am succeeding you.
Let me give you a piece of advice, if you take a shot at the king, you best not miss.
This is the least shadow council meeting of any shadow council ever.
Are you really a shadow council?
Do they even know about the shadow shadow council? Or the shadow council council? I can gaurantee they probably don’t know about the shadow shadow council council
Snitches get stitches.