[2846] Wall Nesting


Overall a good change. Only problem I see is with people nested on walls in a southerly direction. From the video, it appeared very hard to notice them. Adding additional indicators would help.


I changed the sprite since the demo video (less resin on the head). But its mostly a problem due to perspective, totally up to the GAs if we are gonna disallow it. imho its fine, people get tons of hud indicators, and without weeds they stickout like a sore thumb.


Cool change. Canā€™t wait to see the final result.



  • Weeds now spread through resin walls. Xenos were having problems after retaking lost hive areas, since the weeds wouldnt repopulate under walls (prevented from using any of the old walls for nesting)
  • Weeds now spread into shuttle walls. Xenos have very limited options for nesting while in the hijacked dropships, and before this couldnt even use shuttle walls for nesting. Now they can.

Sometimes you can spawn as xeno in problem areas. On Trijent Dam I spawned on the east wall of one of the eastern lab rooms with the patch of grass, leaving me trapped.


you should open an issue for it and ahelp if it happen againā€¦

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Posting found bugs related to the PR TM here is fine with me.

Updated the algorithm which places the nests on roundstart, shouldnā€™t happen anymore thanks for lmk.


A new one. The prebursts that spawn in the wall nests take up the spot even when you unnest them. Thereā€™s just an invisible ā€œdo not buildā€ area randomly in some spots because of it.


I am unsure what caused this to happen but I figured I might aswell post these two images :

The first image has happened on various maps.

From what it looks like, the game mistook the window tile for an open one :


Do you know when the second image was taken? I changed how those spawn 17hrs ago, hopefully its been fixed. Your first image Iā€™ve seen before IG, unsure as to whats resetting their offsets. If anyone sees this happen and can tell me whats causing it Iā€™d appreciate it. (My understanding is that they get nested fine, but some event later while nested resets their offsets)

[Updated the PR today]: invisible nests from gamestart should either host whatever human corpses spawn with them or otherwise destroy themselves if theres no corpse.


Not 100% confirmed but when a body is nested and the wall blows up from a nade/C4 the dead marine is still considered ā€œnestedā€ so now his body even when heā€™s dead is pushable and can block xenos and marines from moving


Seems to just happen whenever you unnest a guy from a wall.

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Not a major issue but when someone is nested facing north and a Xeno sees them through the wall, their sprite is shown in the nude

looks funny so I have no personal issues with it

Screen Shot 2023-03-26 at 3.20.43 PM


Yea its just a layering issue, I can fix. (Had to make the human render below the walls they are mounted on when facing north, but also this doesnt change their limbā€™s layers? so their limbs render above their other textures.)