56D nerf

you should try to play xeno into a 4 sg 2-3 M56D frontline hell choke for 5 rounds and see if you find the game fun still :joy::joy:


What moron coded this for real. This is next level xope.

M56D isnā€™t even a particularly powerful weapon in its own right, it simply has IFF.


Im with steel point and others.

This is an issue or problem less often than 2 or 3 boilers.


I am against any sort of magical, completely unintuitive nerf like in the PR:

Have to be 5+ tiles away from each other now

It will just set a tit for tat prescient of taking away gameplay from marines and then taking away gameplay from xenos to compensate for overblown niche cases.


You just donā€™t know what you are talking about. M56D was strong BEFORE IFF, and was only buffed since the addition of IFF.

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Honestly, just give us the IFF change to where its not magic bullets that fire through friendlies, but just dosnā€™t hit, nor would shoot at friendlies.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :laughing: :laughing:

I wish they fixed the bug that makes it so m56ā€™d fire twice as fast, instead of making weird nerfs that make no sense ingame (no you canā€™t put two pieces of metal together, and before you ask no, xenos canā€™t go around them either)


I want to see someone identify on the map locations where they are incapable of flanking around and not pushing the 7 m56d choke.


The idea is fine of itself, just make it more evident to people who are new to the gun or dont know about this change, and also Iā€™d drop it to 3-4 tiles distance so you can still combine arms on the frontline if you fan out the gunsā€™ positions.

In game have it say something like (The targeting software will interfere with the signals sent from other m56D emplacements if positioned too closely together) and boom.

I should clarify and say I donā€™t think the weapon is weak.

I just donā€™t think the weapon is individually strong enough to make it so we can only have 1 every 5 tiles. Single boiler removes the whole issue.


Random nerfs for the foreseeable future.

I canā€™t believe this is a seriously suggested change. An absolute joke of a ā€œsolutionā€ to a made up issue.

People claiming ā€˜just gas it broā€™ have clearly never tried to push evac while thereā€™s four layers of barricades that boiler gas doesnā€™t spread past and Queen screech doesnā€™t reach far enough to actually provide an effective way to get in close. They donā€™t even need to aim at you or see you through boiler gas, they can just pour gunfire down the hall without fear and melt anything trying to get close.

ā€œJust go around broā€ as if every map isnā€™t FULL of awful chokepoints that both sides abuse the hell out of. ā€œJust go aroundā€ doesnā€™t work when these guns can be diassembled and reassembled in ten seconds, meaning while the xenos try to flank your barricaded position you just move the gun to face them faster than they can breach.

While I can agree this is a heavyhanded nerf, people acting like this is a non issue are coping just as much.

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Iā€™m partial to agree with the chokepoints part and the disassembly/reach of gas/screech part, and itā€™s probably really rough to fight the 56d as a xeno in those situations in all fairness (a lot of ppl wouldnā€™t know, clearly donā€™t play xeno much or at all)

Imo tho evac should be really hard to push in general even without a 56d present, especially if marines have done their jobs right. Its a heavy handed nerf, but it will certainly ā€œsolveā€ the issue in theory, even if it creates some new ones.