Isn’t that just the M4RA? It was the M2 that actually had an automatic fire function.
M2A1A when?
Im sad to tell you, we dont have a PDW. The M39 is an SMG.
The PDW we have are mostly colony weapons, like the P90.
But yeah, i dont see a good niche for this.
Or rather, i rather have a proper PDW to fill its niche as a sligthly better CQC weapon instead.
Carbine feels kinda meh.
me when gun has drawbacks
well it will have at lest in what i was thinking at the time, lower DPS and RPM. Having played with the M4RA it frankly gets close to what i want but still miss the mark. what i was/am asking for is not really that crazy.
With how the game works, there’s just very little space for firearm variety. And it’s really hard to find niches for new guns. It took years of iteration until M39 got into the current niche.
If we’re talking about this carbine as a better range M39, but with lower DPS, then the key question is how low the DPS should be? On par with M4RA? Congratulations, you’ve just made a better M4RA. Lower than M4RA by say 20%? Well, that’s gonna be bad.
And if something bad is added, it’s only matter of time until there would be carbine mains going “why does it suck so much”, “buff it” and “I don’t care if it’s gonna take their niches from any other guns, I just want my carbine to be good”.
Just shorten your M41a, Remove it’s stock there’s your new carbine.
ok thats a fair point
ehhh not really a when i say better range more akin to the M41a in terms of range or maybe just a tad worst. The M4RA gots no falloff and a max range of 24 tiles with a damage of 56 for the plan mags.
saying that the hypothetical carbine will just be a better M4RA is not really accurate, as the DPS equivalency will only be with on the screen. but really what i was thinking was a not really better DPS but better RPM.
The M4RA gots a RPM 171 and a Damage of 56 so its got a DPS of 159
The M41A gots a RPM of 240 and a damage of 44 so its got a DPS of 176
The M39 gots a RPM of 461 and a Damage of 34 so its got a DPS of 261
SO for hypotheticals lets take some numbers
a RPM of 240 with a damage of 34 you get a DPS of 136
a RPM of 300 with a damage of 34, you get a DPS of 170
go for a mid ground of RPM of 265 with a damage of 34, you get a DPS of 150
this may make the carbine some of the worst DPS wise but if you give it good ammo economy and a burst fire/auto, ok one handed recoil, it will be a fairly good pick
The key thing is that the carbine will have good effective DPS and speed, this hypothetical will not really better then the M4RA for its intend roll as a marksmen rifle.
heres some (rough) testing on warriors for time to kill (for me - i am not a turbo fast clicker for m4ra). Expect up to like .5 second variance i’d think
Apparently you’re right! i thought m4ra did more dps then mk2 but it doesn’t at all, altho i do fumble a lil with my shooting rate.
mk2 full auto with 4.9 seconds and 4.7 seconds
mk2 burst mode with 4.56 and 4.66 seconds
m4ra at 5.13 seconds and 6.13 seconds (i did fumble a bit on the firerate - which shows the variability of the weapon’s dps)
SMG full auto wins at 4 seconds and 4.46 seconds,
SMG Burst mode at 4.9 seconds and 4.9 seconds
Mathing (from ingame stats - not from test results)
132 dps (mk2 FA)
113 dps (mk2 Burst)
140.07 dps (smg FA)
119.91 dps (smg Burstmode)
120.12 dps (m4ra)
Also, the smg HV rounds might be worse against armored targets due to the rate of fire difference magnifying it? That’s another good question to test though.
From these testing results though it seems most of the guns are more or less the same against warriors, except for the SMG shaving off a second, and the m4ra having more variance then the mk2.
Honestly because of that natural variance I think m4ra deserves a slightly higher dps …
You forgot crucial detail which is effective range.
That was some fine field testing!
True but also effective DPS with the spread and Accuracy you will see that the M4RA will have much better effective DPS.
no i didnt all the testing is within 3 tiles for smg
it all be in the effective range
Dunno if this has been said before, but the MK2 acts as a carbine already. If you want a full-length rifle, you put on a solid stock and/or an extended barrel.
Not hating on the idea, just saying.