A note on forum etiquette

Hello. I am aware that you are all mostly zoomers, and have not necessarily interacted with internet forums before the CM-SS13 - Forums. As such, I’m going to give you all some tips and tricks, and expectations going forward using the forums.

Read the Rules


They are here. They are not long. The pivotal rule is don’t be a dick - which has been regularly violated on here. Stop being an asshole to people that are 1) playing the game, 2) moderating the game 3) doing any work for the game. You can disagree with what people do, but you do not need to imply they’re the antichrist trying to ruin your :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: fun.

This is not Discord

We have a forum for a reason, and it’s not just to centralise applications. Online forums allow you to have long form conversations that do not require immediate, instant responses. This is not Discord. You do not need to be regularly checking the forums and immediately responding to new topics with a two word reply. If you have nothing valuable to say, you can say nothing at all. “So true!” is not useful for anyone. The forums let you react to topics and posts - you can just do that instead.

Consider this, from SomethingAwful:

In addition - you don’t need to make a reply to every post in a topic. You can make one post that includes multiple replies. All you have to do is highlight a previous post and press “quote”, and it’ll add it to the composer.

Pointless Necroposting

You don’t need to respond to a topic from a year ago and say, “wow, isn’t that novel! a post from a year ago!”. This helps no one, bumps old posts no one is interested in discussing (because the post has been dead for a year), and muddies up the forums. You do not need to do it.

Stop muddying up serious topics

There are times that people in Policy Feedback or Discussion are being sincere in wanting to discuss something. Especially in the former, stop trawling in trash to these topics. You will get your posts removed, and yourself suspended from the forums.

What about my free speech?

This is just a generic post about people feeling that their civil liberties are being violated by any staff action on CM, or any forum or community generally:

Your free speech, in an American context, guarantees that the government cannot intervene in your right to express yourself. However, in a private space, no one has to listen to you. CM is not the town square, it is just someone’s space on the internet. There’s no right to be here - and violating the rules’ll get you kicked out.

I got suspended from the forums, what can I do?

Very little. Try to learn from your mistakes, and try to not do it again.

We have a dedicated channel for appeals - it is an email address: [email protected]. If you are not unsuspended, your appeal was denied.


Dear @hry, question, does his apply to Acid Goop posts as well? I completely understand any other kinds of threads but it would seem appropriate for Acid Goop. Any clarification would be appreciated.


it does not, which is why it’s exempt from the new slowmodes


Stay awesome actual King of England. Say the word and we will Henry IV this.

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I like this.

Thank you for laying this out. Forums really do operate differently from just about every other social media format. I appreciate your work into helping the community become all it can be. Global communities are hard to manage with such a diverse mix of cultures, but you’re making it work.

Another reason S+ tier admin :stuck_out_tongue: