A17568 - Synthetic Application

Synthetic Application - A17568

What is your BYOND key?


What is your Discord ID?


Do you usually play a specific character? If so, who?

I typically play a handful of characters for different roles and role types, including Marc Ibarra, Gratian A.W. Kampilan (combat roles) Jim Durstine (support roles) and Clement Shrader (medical/research)

What whitelist applications have you previously completed?

I have not previously completed any applications for this server.

Synthetic Info:

Name of the Synth Character you wish to play:


What is your Synthetic’s Personality?

Mason is a model line known to be cold and analytical. They typically prioritize direct and honest responses, though they have a small issue where they will not simplify their statements unless asked. That said they are not without emotion, and due to a slight coding error will occasionally try to “act natural” in various ways, such as poorly timed jokes. In addition, this coding error causes their emotions to be slightly more dynamic rather than static.

How will they react to the different ranks of the USCM, what would they talk about in a one on one conversation? What are their interests? What is an advertisement logline that could be written for them?

Introducing, the Mason line synthetic assistant. The Mason pattern is designed to suit various needs in the field of logistics, medical, R&D, Search and Rescue, Botany, and even cooking with minimal addition of needless details. Perfect for all those who simply want results, while still having a synth that can blend and interact with humans.

Why do you want to be a synthetic/why should we whitelist you?

Synthetics to me have always been a subject of fascination with me, seeing their dubious state of humanity mixed with the cold calculating machine. They do what they do simply because in their mind, there is no other alternative. “Why did you save me?” “Because I had to.” Mix that with the dubious relations with their meat based counterparts, strange interactions with other synths, and even odd interactions with meat crew who do not know any better.

I hope you consider whitelisting me primarily due to my sheer fascination with them in the setting, my love of biomechanics, and the fact that im willing to absolutely burrow into the role like a mad man

What is your most memorable interaction with a synthetic?

The only one I can recall happened months ago. All I can really remember is that I was a survivor, and they, repeatedly, braved the xenomorphs to save and revive certain members of the group. It is, at time of writing, my only time surviving as survivor.

Synthetic Character Story:



To a decent degree, I may need to reference the guide every once in a while


Moderately, I know the stations, what they do, and how to use them, though knowing how and being good at it are two different things


Extremely, I make it a point to do speed surgery and try to mass produce chem mixes for marines - CMO Clement Shrader if anyone has noticed me


Fairly, I tend to help with ground REQ after the opening crush of people. I need to learn how to sort better though.

What are some scenarios that you can perform combat in? Give us a brief example.

Various combat examples for the mason model is personnel extraction from hazardous areas, Intel retrieval, Field surgery, field repairs, and field logistics - his (my) favorite.

Final Info:

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason? Do you have any active jobbans?


Are you currently banned from our Discord?


Let us know why you were discord banned.


Do you have anything else you would like to include about your application?

nothing comes to mind


Howdy there, A17568.
So I am just popping in to give some advice, feedback and suggestions, don’t feel discouraged if I come across as harsh as anyone with time and the right attitude can get the whitelist.

First, I’d recommend a withdrawal of you app, this is to both save time on your part along side council. As this app is not up to the standards that would be expected of a Synth app, there is some effort put into this app - but sadly it is still not quite there. Rather than leave you with nothing, I’ll give you a few pointers so you can move in the right direction.

I’d like to address your synths personality

I’ll be quite honest here, there is very little I can salvage here. My main concern, is in regards to the ‘slight coding error’ your going to have to apply, some forethought here and think around the reason for a Synth to be bought by the USMC in the first place. Not only this, your synths personality isn’t exactly a personality, at least from what you’ve written and what you’ve reflected in your story.

I always point people towards a general rule when it comes to developing characters in player - player interaction focused games, is the rule of three to one. The idea behind is quite simple, find one theme or role/job, and then apply three traits to that theme. Take for example my Synth; Grace, her theme is that she is a geologist, but she doesn’t talk about rocks all day, she is curious, cunning, and casual on-top of being a geologist.

The reason I recommend this is so that players don’t over complicate things while also not reducing their characters to a point where players can’t have any freedom from them.

Another pointer here is this answer

what council wants to see is as much elaboration as you can write about your synth here, you have not gone into enough detail for other people to figure out how your synth would behave towards other players!! this answer should show off how your synth would interact with other players as much as possible. The idea behind it is to act as a general summary of how your synth would behave while your story would go into further detail.

Speaking of your story.

This too is also not up to the standards of the Whitelist, the average length of a story is around 7-10 pages, Council does not expect you to write a full novel, but we’d like to see as much dialogue as possible from your synth. Though I give you some rep, you’ve clearly shown interest towards the more philosophical side of synths, I really like the final paragraphs where your synth tries to reason the possible cause of a Privates death and following protocol, I also like the cute snip it of him placing the figurine at the base of the memorial, it as a cute touch to show your Synth cares for the personal he is assigned to.

Finally your skills section, like the rest of your app its not up to the standards that people would like to see - this is where you show yourself off a bit and gloat about how awesome you are! Tell us about how you your cades hold up against the xeno menace, how you are able to quickly and effectively save marines from the horrors of a chest burst. Often players neglect this side of the app but its there for a reason, its there for you to tell us what you can do and what you enjoy when it comes to supportive roles.

I hope this feedback is a help, as you do show passion and care for wanting this Whitelist, just you are not up to the level that is needed to get the whitelist

(P.s, interact with the community and Discord more - get your name out there so marines know who you are! as well the discord has the Whitelist-app help channel where whitelist holders and council can give you feedback and help you apply)


Ill be honest, i saw no reason to gloat, and i’ve been about the server for some while, this isnt an out of the blue thing. Ill probably find out how to withdraw the app shortly… and in what world does it make sense to make a 7-10 page story for a character who by design should be more well known due to in game things? Thats like a player sitting at a dnd table with a 10 page backstory for a level one game. I somehow doubt ill gather the courage for another attempt, but thanks i guess.


This is the essence of every WL application, haha. I can’t remember the exact reason why’d you need to write a long ass fanfiction for your character, but that’s how things are

Just say that you want to withdraw. Either here or ping councillors in the discord

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then yeah, im going to withdraw. I can’t magically conjure up a ten page essay on a character I haven’t even had the chance to play yet. Not how I write, sorry.

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My councilship is currently on pause but my thoughts are not

The length isnt what matters its the purpose. We dont have in game try outs so your story is to represent how you will talk, act, emote, and roleplay as a synth

Some people put crazy effort in which is appreciated, however, I think you could be just as successful writing a shorter story that highlights above in the correct environment.

Something as simple as you doing requisitions line or hosting a briefing. Show how you will banter with marines, how you will exhibit your quirk, how you will counter them calling you names.

My story is literally River trying to get a Delta to eat a tofu tray.


Hi A17568 and thank you for the interest in the Synthetic Whitelist.

Besides the advice given above, I just want you to know that there are 0 hour requirements and 0 story length requirements for Synthetic. It just needs to get the job done. That means you’re going to be observed based off of your overall competency, propensity to RP and the purpose of the story is to give us some insight about how Mason would perform in CM’s gameplay - with dialogue as well. You can genuinely become Synthetic with just a 1.5pg story and 30 hours in all the support roles, it comes down to nailing every factor however.

Nevertheless the last thing I would want is for anyone to be discouraged from playing CM for the sake of any whitelist. So please do what brings you the most fun and enjoy the game!

If you’d like to still play as a Synthetic in the future, please consider going into WL App help on the discord to seek support!

Thank you for your time. Have a great day and happy holidays! :slight_smile: