Add Cavalry into the game.

Everyone loves horses. I love horses. You love horses.
Therefore, we need to add a special marine type on horseback that would engage the xenomorphs in a kiting-style form of combat where they either fill xenos with lead from a distance or engage them in melee combat.
In addition, due to coders being unwilling to add marine-xeno capping mechanics (we should be able to tackle drones back to capture them), perhaps it’s time to consider a specialised tool for this new unit - the lasso.
You would be able to fling a rope over a xenomorph and bring them into submission. Research would then be able to tame the xenomorph and enable it’s usability as a mount. XRP guidelines would have to be modified, of course, to make the Xenomorph player actually rp a horse and not do their shitty *hiss, *roar or even /me meow spams that they love doing so much.


mfw the horse xeno runs me down


If the marine riding it yells “RAMMING SPEED!!!” its okay


TGMC im pretty sure the crusher some t1 xenos can ride it which is funny

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yes but its countered by tgmc having lame as fuck halo looking marines on jetpacks with contemporary looking riot shields and swords so tgmc is still uncool even if it is kinda funny


thats alot to unpack but tgmc is the only place youll ever see riding mechanics probably

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mfw runners are thrice as fast as any horse and lurkers twice as fast.


yeah but horses leap over wired cades while lurkers and runners get fact-checked by them.


I WILL charge with spears on horseback alongside my battle brothers and kill the queen

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Rise of the Rohirim.

xenorider spec when


Charge at Eylau or the siege of Vienna.