Alakaya - Synthetic Application

I am going to have to provide my critique below, and deliberate on it further after I am rested.

I will list them below.
My first part will be regarding the good things and what I like about your application.

The Good

I am very fond of the way your story is laid out. It looks nice on the eyes and helps accentuate the contents of the document, and shows clear signs of effort. The formatting, grammar, and word choice is also good.

The Bad


The personality, as it exists, is paper thin and rather hard to demonstrate. In your own words, they are designed to not alert others to the fact they are a synthetic unit, and that they display standard emotions of a human barring love and pain. Synthetics, while capable of emulating emotion and showing them, do not feel them - so that is fine, however as the entire basis of your personality it isn’t going to work out well. It’s difficult to express and in most cases you won’t be able to find much to talk about. It also, unfortunately, comes off as attempting to be more of a marine that is a synthetic than a synthetic that people know is a synthetic. My fear is that you are going to end up in situations unable to think of what to talk about because your synthetics ‘personality’ is primarily built around how they talk.

In your story your synthetic also does not demonstrate this or emotional range of a sort, even if that is a strange word to ascribe to a synthetic. They are primarily monotone and flat - and, while this is fine, and how I sometimes speak on my synthetic, it does not fit the personality you have listed or the slogan for it, even if it is a more professional and corporate delivery. If this is intended to show they can be serious, it would be preferable to have a moment of them being less serious.

Combat Answers

Your combat answer is very much lacking. The answer regarding Working Joes is wrong, and your answer is rather lacklustre concerning the other caveats that exist and partially contradictory; saying they can engage in self-defence but then saying they cannot engage in combat. I would suggest reading the Synthetic Programming and Guidelines page and coming up with a more encompassing answer than what is provided here.

Experience Answers

While I understand most people typically just type ‘Very Familiar’, it is a trend I would rather move away from. I am going to ask questions, and I would suggest you answer them for a more thorough preview of your capabilities - demonstrate before being asked questions, if you can, and provide relevant examples of what you know how to do.

  1. Three marines are tossed to you, as a synthetic, all three with 700 burn. One is yellowlining, and close to the threshold of redlining - with the other two sitting comfortably at a greenline. They are all currently on fire and have their armour on, with no other marines present to provide assistance. Assume you have all equipment available to you that you wish and you are working at a synthetics speed. What do you do to revive them.

  2. You have landed on Solaris Ridge, LZ1 and have roughly 150 metal on the FOB, with another 50 in your backpack that you have brought with you. Upon arrival, you see the following at the south and north respectively. What do you do, if anything, to attempt to fix it?
    FOB - Album on Imgur

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